CAT4 Scores Gifted and Talented

Every child is special, but some stand out as gifted and talented. CAT4 scores can help nurture their potential and shape a bright academic future. This guide explores their significance.

CAT4 Scores Gifted and Talented: An Overview

CAT4 is a test used to measure pupils’ cognitive abilities in different fields.

Before we begin we have to address that gifted and talented are two different definitions.

Gifted – Giftedness means a pupil who is really good at something without being taught, and they’re naturally great at things like thinking, being creative, getting along with others, or doing physical stuff.

Even though they have this special talent, they might not do as well as they could in school.”

Talented – When we say someone is talented, it means they’re really good at something because they’ve worked hard and turned their natural abilities into outstanding skills. 

Talented pupils will always show that they’re super good at certain things.

CAT4 Gifted and Talented scores explained with an infographic picture

What CAT4 Score is Gifted?

Scoring in the 90th percentile or higher on a CAT4 test may indicate potential for giftedness. 

However, criteria and percentiles for identifying gifted pupils vary among institutions states and education systems. 

Check with your school or educational program for their standards and guidelines for selecting gifted pupils using CAT4.

Based on the Indian Academy of Dubai, the Benchmark for gifted and talented scores on the CAT4 Test are:

  • Pupils with a CAT4 score of 120-129 in one or more areas with attainment below expectation are identified as highly able.
  • Pupils with a CAT4 score of 120-129 in one or more areas with attainment aligned with or above expectations are identified as highly able and talented.
  • Pupils with a CAT4 score of 130 or above in one or more areas with an attainment below expectation are identified as gifted.
  • Pupils with a CAT4 score of 130 or above in one or more areas with attainment in line with or above expectations are identified as gifted and talented.

Giftedness is multifaceted and cannot be captured by test scores alone. It can manifest in various forms, including creativity, leadership, and artistic talents. 

How CAT4 Scores Benefit Gifted and Talented Students

Here are some ways in which CAT4 scores benefit gifted and talented students:

Identification of Giftedness: Gifted pupils often excel in one or more of the 4 subjects of the assessment, which helps identify their specific talents.

Tailored Instruction: CAT4 scores can help educators tailor their teaching to meet students’ needs and identify their strengths. Gifted students can then be given advanced coursework or enrichment activities in their areas of strength to maximise their potential.

Differentiated Learning: Educators can use scores to adjust teaching strategies and better support students. By implementing differentiated instruction, teachers can tailor content, pace, and depth to challenge gifted students appropriately while providing necessary assistance to areas where they may struggle.

Early Intervention: If a student is gifted, their CAT4 Scores can also highlight areas where they might need extra help. Even talented students can have weaker subjects or skills. Still, if these are identified early enough, it can prevent them from becoming bigger problems.

Personalised Education Plans: Some schools use CAT4 scores to create personalised education plans (PEPs) or individualised education programs (IEPs) for gifted students. These plans outline specific goals and strategies to support pupils’ learning needs. They may include acceleration, subject acceleration, or access to advanced courses.

Tracking Progress: The assessments are administered periodically to track a gifted student’s progress. This helps educators gauge the effectiveness of their instructional strategies and make necessary adjustments.

Support for Emotional and Social Development: Gifted students may face unique social and emotional challenges. CAT4 scores help educators and counsellors identify these students and provide the appropriate social and emotional support to help them thrive academically and personally.

Equity in Education: CAT4 scores can be used to identify gifted students from underrepresented or underserved populations, ensuring that all students have equal access to gifted education programs.

Parental Involvement: CAT4 results are often shared with parents or guardians. This information can foster a collaborative partnership between parents and educators, allowing them to collaborate to support the gifted student’s educational journey.

Strategies for Gifted and Talented Students

Enrichment Programs

Enrolling your gifted child in enrichment programs tailored to their strengths can help them flourish academically and socially.

Individualized Learning

Advocate for individualized learning plans within your child’s school to meet their unique needs.

Encourage Curiosity

Foster your child’s natural curiosity by providing access to resources, books, and experiences that align with their interests.

Nurturing Emotional Well-being

Recognize that gifted and talented students may face unique emotional challenges. Create a supportive environment that prioritizes their mental and emotional well-being.


CAT4 scores provide valuable insights but are just one piece of the puzzle. Success depends on various factors, including dedication, effort, and the support system.

Yes, CAT4 scores can evolve as children grow and develop. They should be viewed as a snapshot of a child’s abilities at a particular moment.

Schools can implement accelerated or enriched curricula, provide opportunities for independent research, and offer mentorship programs for gifted students.

Absolutely. Giftedness is not one-size-fits-all. A child can excel in one domain while having average abilities in another.

While CAT4 scores can provide valuable information about a student’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses, the designation of giftedness typically involves a more comprehensive evaluation process that considers various factors, including test scores, teacher recommendations, and other assessments. Many schools and educational programs use a combination of tools and criteria to identify gifted students.


CAT4 scores identify gifted and talented students, and help teachers tailor their teaching to meet students’ needs.

It also helps identify areas where gifted students may need extra help, and create personalized education plans.

The assessments are periodically administered to track progress, and support emotional and social development.

CAT4 scores help ensure all students have equal access to gifted education programs.

As a retired educator, I have a profound understanding of the CAT4 exam, thanks to years of training thousands of pupils. As an English and Math teacher, I have worked in international schools in Bangkok and Chiang Mai and helped students prepare for the CAT4 and MAP tests as a tutor.

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