CAT4 Level E Practice Test & Free PDF Sample Questions & Tips

Our CAT4 Level E & CAT tests year 8 sample question guide offers helpful tips and techniques to improve your score and succeed in the test.

It provides a free PDF, a practice test, valuable tips, and sample questions.

What is the CAT4 Level E Test?

CAT4 Level E is an online test for year 8 students. 

It is also called the CAT Tests Year 8.

The assessment helps educators see what students are good at and what they need help with. Some international schools also use it to choose students.

The Structure of CAT4 Level E

The test comprises eight sections, which are as follows:

  1. Verbal Reasoning – Verbal Classification and Verbal Analogies.
  2. Non-Verbal Reasoning – Figure Classification and Figure Matrices.
  3. Quantitative Reasoning – Number Analogies and Number Series.
  4. Spatial Ability – Figure Analysis and Figure Recognition.

This article provides CAT4 Practice Test materials for all these sections.

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CAT4 Level E Sample Questions

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Figure Classification

The Figure Classification questions display three pictures with a shared connection or characteristic.

Select the answer choice that has the same connection/characteristic.

CAT4 level f sample question

The correct answer is 5.
All pictures consist of two identical shapes, one bigger and one smaller. The smaller object is
next to the big one in any direction, not touching or overlapping. The smaller shape is also
flattened a bit and looks irregular. The only choice that follows that pattern is 5.
Answer 1 contains two identical figures, but the smaller one is inside the bigger one.
In answer 2, there are two shapes of the same size.
In answer 3, the figures are crossed and the same size.
In answer 4, the figures follow the pattern of a tiny and one big, with the smaller being flattened but

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CAT Tests Year 8 Sample Question – Figure Matrices

Figure Matrix questions are either 2×2 or 3×3 matrices composed of different pictures. In each row and column, the pictures change the same way or follow the same rule.

Choose an answer in the empty box in the matrix following the same rule.

The correct answer is 2.
In this question, in the top row, from left to right, we have a black square that has been cut diagonally in half, and the cut half is flipped horizontally. It also turns into lines and not a solid black shape.

Therefore, the first figure is the black circle for the second row. Then it should be cut diagonally and flipped horizontally, turning into a circle line. Hence, the 2nd choice is the correct answer.

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Figure Analysis

Figure Analysis questions show a paper that’s folded and punched with holes. The answer choices have unfolded papers with punched holes.

You must find the answer choice matching the final unfolded paper with punched holes.

The correct answer is 1.
• The paper has one hole punched and is folded 3 times.
• If we open the first crease, which covers one hole, it would result in the following picture having 2 holes.
• If we open the second crease, which covers 2 holes, it would result in the following picture having 4 holes.
• If we open the third crease, which covers 4 holes, it would result in the final picture having 8 holes.

cat tests year 8 sample question
Answers 2,3, and 4 are incorrect because they do not have precisely 8 holes.
Answer 5 is incorrect because the hole placement is wrong.

Figure Recognition

Figure Recognition questions show a shape with five answer choices that have complex designs.

You need to select the design with the target shape in the same size and orientation.

cat tests year 8

The correct answer is 2.

The shape presented includes a right-angle triangle leaning on the rectangle.
• Answer choice 1 has no triangle shape, so this answer is incorrect.
• Answer choice 3 has a triangle; however, it’s not joined with the rectangle.
• Answer choice 4 has no right-angle triangles.
• Answer choice 5 has no triangles at all.

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Verbal Classification

These questions show us three words that are connected.

Your mission is to find the word from the answer choices that share the same connection.

Dog | Cat | Rabbit

A. Animal
B. Bird
C. Pet
D. Fish
E. Tree

The correct answer is C.
Dogs, Cats, and Rabbits are all common pets that people can have. Similarly, the word Pet also shares the same connection as it refers to animals that are kept and cared for by humans.

A) Animal is incorrect as it is the general category to which dog, cat, and rabbit belong, but it doesn’t directly share the same connection with them.

Verbal Analogies

Verbal analogy questions involve finding the special relationship between the first pair of words.

Choose the word that completes a second pair of words, maintaining a similar connection.

hot → warm: cold →

A. freezing
B. cool
C. icy
D. tepid
E. scorching

The correct answer is A.
Hot is a term describing a hot temperature, and warm is a term describing a moderate temperature. The same goes for cold: cold describes a low temperature.

Moreover, freezing is a term describing an extremely low temperature, similar to how hot is an extreme temperature. Cool, icy, tepid, and scorching are incorrect as they do not represent an extremely low temperature like freezing.

Number Analogies

Find the relationship between the numbers in the first two pairs and use it to figure out the missing number in the third pair.

When placed in the third pair, choose the number that shows the same relationship as the numbers in the first two.

[25 → 5] [49 → 7] [64 → ?]

A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12
E. 14

The correct answer is B.
Look at the numbers in the first pair and try to find the rule they follow.
How do we get from 25 to 5?
We see that if we take the square root of the first number, we get the second number:
√25 = 5.
Does this rule work for the second pair, as well?
When we take the square root of 49, we get 7:
√49 = 7.
The rule “take the square root of the first number to get the second” works in both pairs, so in the next pair, we should also take the square root:
√64 = 8.
Therefore, 8 is the correct answer.

Number Series

Number Series questions show a sequence of numbers with a specific rule.

Select a number from the answer choices that can replace the question mark and continue the series using the same rule.

Find the following number in the series: 9 16 25 36 49.

A. 56
B. 61
C. 64
D. 71
E. 96

The correct answer is E.
In this series, the pattern is that each number is obtained by doubling the previous number.

Starting with 3, we double it to get 6. Then, we double 6 to get 12, double 12 to get 24, and so on. To continue the pattern, we must double the last number in the series, 48. 48 doubled is 96.
Therefore, 96 is the correct answer.

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Tips for CAT4 Level E

To excel in CAT4 Level E, adopting effective strategies and creating a focused preparation plan is essential. Here are some tips to enhance your performance:

Understand the test format

Take the time to understand the structure and format of CAT4 Level E thoroughly.

This will help you manage your time and approach each section with confidence.

Practice with sample questions and mock tests

Regularly practice with sample questions and mock tests designed explicitly for CAT4 Level E.

This will familiarize you with the types of questions and improve your speed and accuracy.

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You can also use our interactive Free CAT4 Practice Test.

Identify and strengthen weak areas.

Through practice, identify your weaker areas in each cognitive domain and focus on improving them.

Seek additional resources and guidance from educators, or work with tutors to strengthen your skills.

Develop Critical Thinking Skills

Engage in activities that promote critical thinking, such as puzzles, brain teasers, and logical reasoning exercises.

This will sharpen your cognitive abilities and enhance your performance on the assessment.

Manage Your Time Effectively

Time management is crucial during the CAT4 Level E exam.

Practice solving questions under timed conditions to improve your speed and ability to work efficiently. Allocate the appropriate time to each section based on its weight and the number of questions.

Review Key Concepts

Take the time to review and refresh key concepts in verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and spatial reasoning.

Use study materials and online resources to reinforce your understanding.

Seek Guidance and Support

If you encounter difficulties or have questions while preparing, seek guidance from teachers, tutors, or educational professionals.

They can provide valuable insights, clarify concepts, and offer personalized strategies.

Stay Relaxed and Maintain a Positive Mindset

Approach the CAT4 Level E exam calmly and positively.

Practice relaxation techniques and positive self-talk to alleviate stress and anxiety. Trust in your preparation and believe in your abilities.

These tips can enhance your performance and maximize your potential in the CAT4 Level E assessment.

CAT4 Test Results Level E

It is crucial to understand the results of the CAT4 Level E test. To assist you, we have delivered clear information on all aspects to consider when checking the results.

For more information, please refer to our article on CAT4 Test Results.


CAT4 Level E & CAT tests Year 8 tests evaluate how well students think and solve problems. It’s essential to understand what it’s about and how it works.

This guide has tips to help you prepare, like practising sample questions and managing your time wisely.

With practice and a positive attitude, you can do well on the test and get a high score. To learn more about CAT4 levels click here.

Related CAT4 Levels Guides:

FAQs about CAT4 Level E

It is a cognitive ability test that takes place in the 8th grade.

CAT4 Level E is designed for students aged 14 and above.

CAT4 Level E results provide educators valuable insights into students’ cognitive strengths and weaknesses. This information can be utilized to tailor instruction, develop personalized learning plans, and implement targeted interventions, ultimately enhancing student outcomes.

CAT4 Level E can indeed help identify gifted and talented students. By analyzing students’ cognitive profiles and standardized scores, educators can identify exceptional abilities and provide appropriate enrichment opportunities to nurture their potential.

Indeed, the CAT4 test is designed to be challenging and appropriately assess students’ abilities at each grade and level.

As a retired educator, I have a profound understanding of the CAT4 exam, thanks to years of training thousands of pupils. As an English and Math teacher, I have worked in international schools in Bangkok and Chiang Mai and helped students prepare for the CAT4 and MAP tests as a tutor.

CAT4 Level E

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