Category: CAT4 Test

  • هل ينتابك الفضول حيال اختبار CAT4؟

    هل ينتابك الفضول حيال اختبار CAT4؟

    هل ينتابك الفضول حيال اختبار CAT4؟

    أولياء الأمور والطلاب الأعزاء، لا داعي للمزيد من البحث!

    سنزيدك بمعلومات حول ما يخص الآتي:

    • أسئلة التدريب
    • الاستراتيجيات
    • نصائح مفيدة
    • كيفية معارضة النتائج

    ستكون على أتم الاستعداد لإجراء الاختبار بثقة في النهاية.

    في هذا الموضوع، سأشارك سنوات خبرتي كمعلم ومدرس خاص ومعلومات قيّمة حول التحضير لاختبار CAT4.

    يمكنك قراءة هذا المقال باللغات الآتية:

    English CAT4 Guide


    귀하의 언어로 읽으십시오

    ما هو اختبار CAT4؟ وما أهميته؟

    يُقّيم اختبار CAT4 لغة الطلاب وعددهم وتفكيرهم المكاني. أنشأته تقييمات المؤسسة التعليمية الدولية “GL”  ويستخدمه المعلمون لتحديد نقاط القوة ونقاط الضعف لدى الطلاب.

    كما يمكنه قياس مدى قدرة الطالب على التفكير في المهام وحل المشكلات باستخدام الأسئلة المختلفة والإمكانات الأكاديمية الشاملة.

    مصطلح CAT4  يعني الإصدار الرابع لاختبار القدرات المعرفية.

     وتكون النتائج في غاية الأهمية لأنها تمنح المعلمين طريقة لمعرفة أفضل وتيرة للتعلم. يمكنهم أيضًا استخدام النتائج لمعرفة ما إذا كان هناك حاجة إلى مزيد من الدعم أو إذا كان الطالب مستعدًا لتحدي أكبر.

    كما أنه يعمل كاختبار انتقائي للمدارس الدولية، وفي بعض الحالات؛ يعمل كاختبار أولي لمساعدة المدرسة على فهم احتياجات الطالب ومستواه على نحو أفضل قبل بدء العام الدراسي.

    اختبارات CAT4 متاحة للطلاب من عمر 6-17 عامًا، وتستغرق ساعتين و15 دقيقة. وتتكون من 3 أجزاء، لكل جزء إطار زمني مدته 45 دقيقة.

    بناءً على تقييمات المؤسسة التعليمية الدولية “GL”، يخضع أكثر من 750,000 طالب للاختبار كل عام.

    ما هو الغرض من اختبار CAT4؟

    يساعد الاختبار المعلمين في العثور على الطلاب الموهوبين، ومعرفة مشاكل التعلم، وإيجاد طرق التدريس الملائمة لما يجيده كل طالب.

    يهدف اختبار CAT4 لمعرفة الإمكانات الحقيقية للطالب، كما أنه يمكن المعلمين من التكيف مع مناهجهم التعليمية، وهو لأمر رائع!

    كيف يُجرى الاختبار؟

    يجري اختبار CAT4 شخص مُدرب في المدرسة على كمبيوتر ويستغرق ساعتين و15 دقيقة. ولكن هناك أيضًا الآن نسخة ورقية ولكنها أقل شعبية.

    يمكن إجراء الاختبار في أي وقت من العام الدراسي.

    شرح تنسيق وأقسام CAT4

    يحتوي الاختبار على أربعة أقسام، ولكل قسم بؤرة محددة.

    سيكون لديك 8-10 دقائق لإكمال كل قسم، ويجب ألا يتعدى الاختبار بأكمله 45 دقيقة.

    يقدم هذا الموضوع أسئلة اختبار CAT4  التدريبي لجميع أقسام الاختبار.



    Number of questions

    Time per question

    Verbal classification

    8 minutes


    20 seconds

    Verbal analogies

    8 minutes


    20 seconds

    Figure classification

    10 minutes


    25 seconds

    Verbal classification

    10 minutes


    25 seconds

    Number analogies

    10 minutes


    33.3 seconds

    Number series

    8 minutes


    26.6 seconds

    Figure analysis

    9 minutes


    30 seconds

    Figure recognition

    9 minutes


    30 seconds


    ما نوع الأسئلة المُدرجة في اختبار CAT4؟

    يشرح هذا المخطط كل جزء من اختبار CAT4.

    CAT4 Test Batteries

    نموذج من اختبار CAT4

    للحصول على أفضل تجربة، نوصي بإجراء اختبار  CAT4 التجريبي المجاني في وضع ملء الشاشة.

    علاوة على ذلك، تقدم توضيحاتنا نصائح وحلول مفيدة لكل سؤال.

    الوصول إلى نماذج إضافية من الأسئلة.

    نماذج من أسئلة اختبار CAT4

    لدينا نماذج لبعض أسئلة اختبار CAT4 المدهشة لإعطائك لمحة عن التقييم الحقيقي.

    خذ وقتك في مراجعة كل شرح، ستجد بعض الأفكار والنصائح القيّمة والتي ستساعدك على اجتياز الاختبار.

    Figure Classification Sample Question

    CAT4 level f sample question Answer & step-by-step explanation:

    The correct answer is 5.

    • All pictures consist of two identical shapes, one bigger and one smaller.
    • The smaller object is next to the big one in any direction, not touching or overlapping.
    • The smaller shape is also flattened a bit and looks irregular. The only choice that follows that pattern is 5.

    Spatial Ability Sample Question

    Figure Analysis

    Answer & step-by-step explanation:

    answer 7

    The correct answer is 1.

    • The paper has one hole punched and is folded 3 times.
    • If we open the first crease, which covers one hole, it would result in the following picture having 2 holes.
    • If we open the second crease, which covers 2 holes, it would result in the following picture having 4 holes.
    • If we open the third crease, which covers 4 holes, the following picture has 5 holes in total.

    Figure Recognition Sample Question

    Answer & step-by-step explanation:

    The correct answer is 2.

    • The shape presented includes a right-angle triangle leaning on the rectangle.
    • Answer choice 1 has no triangle shape, so this answer is incorrect.
    • Answer choice 3 has a triangle; however, it’s not joined with the rectangle. • Answer choice 4 has no right-angle triangles.
    • Answer choice 5 has no triangles at all.

    Number Series Sample Questions

    Find the next number in the series: 9 18 36 72 ?

    A. 142
    B. 150
    C. 144
    D. 138
    E. 146

    Answer & step-by-step explanation:

    The correct answer is C. In this series, the pattern is that each number is obtained by doubling the previous number. Starting with 9, we double it to get 18. Then, we double 18 to get 36, 36 to get 72, and so on. To continue the pattern, we must double the last number in the series, 72. 72 doubled is 144. Therefore, C is the correct answer.

    كيف تستعد لاختبار CAT4؟

    فهم التنسيق:

    إنه في غاية الأهمية أن تكون على دراية بتنسيق الاختبار مقدمًا. خذ الوقت الكافي لفهم عدد الأقسام، ومدة الاختبار، وأنواع الأسئلة التي ستواجهها يوم الاختبار.

    تدرب على نماذج من الأسئلة:

    حاول التدرب على نماذج أسئلة الاختبار عبر الإنترنت للتعرف على بنية الاختبار وأنواع الأسئلة التي ستواجهها يوم الاختبار.

    فيما يلي أفضل تطبيقات CAT4 الموصى بها لك:

    1. التدرب على الاختبار.
    2. تحضير مجاني.
    3. تطبيق بصيغة PDF مجاني.
    4. نموذج أسئلة مجاني.

    التركيز على نقاط الضعف:

    من المفيد العثور على نقاط الضعف والعمل على تحسينها. وإحدى هذه الطرق هي حل الألغاز أو التدرب على تصور الأشياء في الفضاء.

    احصل على قسط كافٍ من الراحة والغذاء: يجب أن تنام جيدًا وتتناول الطعام الصحي في يوم الاختبار لتعزيز القدرات المعرفية والأداء.

    استراتيجيات ونصائح لإجراء اختبار CAT4

    لدينا 10 نصائح ذهبية واستراتيجيات لمساعدتك على اجتياز اختبار CAT4 مثل المحترفين!

    1. تأكد من فهمك لتنسيق الاختبار. تعرف على أنواع الأسئلة التي ستواجهها، وعدد الأسئلة، والوقت الخاص بكل قسم.
    2. التدريب سبيل الإتقان. لذلك خض قدر استطاعتك من الاختبارات التدريبية. سيساعدك هذا على الشعور بالراحة مع تنسيق الاختبار، وتعزيز ثقتك بنفسك يوم الاختبار.
    3. تنظيم الوقت هو كلمة السر. راقب الوقت، وتأكد من أنه يمكنك الإجابة على جميع الأسئلة في غضون الوقت المحدد.
    4. اقرأ التعليمات بعناية قبل الإجابة على أي أسئلة، حتى لا تخسر نقاطًا بسبب سوء الفهم.
    5. انتق الأفضل، إذا صادفك سؤالًا لست متأكدًا منه، فلا داعي للذعر! استبعد الخيارات التي تعرف أنها خاطئة أولًا، وخمن بعناية.
    6. الاعتناء بنفسك لا يقل أهمية عن التحضير للاختبار، احصل على قسط كافٍ من النوم، وتناول وجبة إفطار صحية، واذهب في الوقت المحدد.
    7. هل تشعر بالقلق؟ هذا ما يحدث مع معظم الأشخاص، لذا لا تقسو على نفسك. خذ نفسًا عميقًا، وذكّر نفسك أنك متمكن من ذلك.
    8. قبل إرسال اختبارك، تحقق مرة أخرى من جميع إجاباتك، ولا تترك أي أسئلة دون إجابة.
    9. تريد أن تتحسن؟ يجب عليك فهم بنية الاختبار، راجع الرسوم البيانية الخاصة بنا حول جميع أقسام الاختبار الموضحة.
    10. حافظ على هدوءك وتركيزك وراحتك في يوم الاختبار. فأنت من يتولى زمام الأمور.

    التدريب الكامل

    ما هي مستويات اختبار CAT4؟

    هل أنت مهتم بمستويات CAT4؟ قد يصبح الأمر مربكًا لأن المواقع المختلفة تسميها بأسماء أخرى. ولكن لا تقلق واترك لنا هذا.

    راجع دليلنا الكامل لكل مستوى CAT4 واحصل على التوضيح الذي تحتاجه للاختبار الذي توشك على إجرائه.

    Age RangeCAT4 Test Level
    6 years – 7 yearsLevel X
    7 years – 8 yearsLevel Y
    6 years to 8 yearsLevel Pre-A
    7 years – 9 yearsLevel A
    8 years – 10 yearsLevel B
    9 years – 11 yearsLevel C
    10 years – 12 yearsLevel D
    11 years  – 13 yearsLevel E
    12 years – 15 yearsLevel F
    14 years – 17 years +Level G

    نتائج اختبار CAT4

    Percentile RankSTENStandard Age ScoreInterpretation
    98+10130+Very High Performance
    84 – 978 – 9115 – 129Above Average Performance
    70 – 837108 – 114High Average Performance
    31 – 695 – 693 – 107Average Performance
    16 – 30485 – 92Low Average Performance
    3 – 152 – 370 – 84Below Average Performance
    <31>70Very Low Performance

    شرح درجات اختبار CAT4

    هل راجعت تقارير اختبار CAT4 بعد؟

    بصفتنا آباء، نريد جميعًا التأكد من أننا قصارى جهدنا لمساعدة أطفالنا على النجاح، وهذه التقارير هي أداة مفيدة لتحديد نقاط القوة والتحديات في أطفالنا.

    ثق بي؛ عليك الاستفادة بهذا الكنز الثمين!

    من السهل التغاضي عن المجالات التي قد يحتاج فيها أطفالنا إلى مساعدة إضافية أو مزيد من التحدي. ولكن بالتعمق في التقارير، يمكننا تحديد هذه المجالات ومساعدة أطفالنا على تحقيق إمكاناتهم الكاملة.

    ولحسن حظنا أن هذه التقارير سهلة الفهم. إذا لم تطلع عليها بالفعل، اطلب من معلم طفلك تقرير النتائج، واعملا معًا على نقاط القوة والضعف لدى طفلك.

    تذكر أن متوسط الدرجات لا يعني بالضرورة متوسط القدرات في جميع المجالات.

    لنمنح أطفالنا أفضل فرصة للنجاح!

    كيفية معارضة نتائج CAT4

    من الأفضل تلقي تقرير مفصل. دعونا نستكشف سويًا كيفية معارضة نتائج CAT4.

    يتضمن التقرير الفردي لأولياء الأمور مراجعة كاملة للاختبار، وملفًا شخصيًا للطالب، وملخصًا.

    سيتضمن الملف الشخصي للطالب تقرير مخطط شريطي:

    CAT4 Test scores example

    الجزء الأصفر هو المتوسط.

    وسيظهر الملخص على النحو التالي:


    سيشمل الملخص المنظور كاملًا حول الطالب.

     التصنيف المئوي الدولي (NPR):

    يوضح التصنيف المئوي الدولي كيفية مقارنة التقييم القياسي للطالب بدرجات الطلاب الآخرين على مستوى البلاد.

    على سبيل المثال، إذا حصل الطالب على درجة 80% في التصنيف المئوي الدولي، يعني ذلك أن أداءه كان أفضل من 80% من زملائه، وأسوء 20% فقط.

    درجات العمر القياسية (SAS):

    تقارن درجات العمر القياسية أداء الطالب بمتوسط 100 مع انحراف معياري قدره 2.

    إنها ليست مقياس للنجاح والرسوب، ولكنها ضرورية لفهم المسار التعليمي للطالب.

    عند مقارنة الدرجات العمرية القياسية (SAS) بين المستوى X،Y من CAT4 والمستويات الأخرى منه، من المهم ملاحظة أنه في حين أن نطاق الدرجات من المستويات من A إلى G يتراوح من 59 إلى 141، فإن نطاق الدرجات من المستويات X إلى Y يتراوح من 69 إلى 131، مما يجعلها مصممة خصيصًا لفئة عمرية معينة. وذلك لضمان عدم حرمان الأطفال الصغر سنًا في مجموعة السنة عند إجراء التقييم عبر الإنترنت، إذ تعتمد المعايير على عمر الطفل بالسنوات والأشهر وقت الاختبار ويتم حسابه من النتيجة الأساسية.

    بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تبحث معظم المدارس الانتقائية عن درجة موحدة لا تقل عن 115، وأحيانًا أعلى لمشاركي السنة السابعة ذوي الدرجات الكمية واللفظية المنخفضة.

    يمكن أن تكون هذه المعلومات مفيدة لأولياء الأمور لفهم أداء أطفالهم في اختبار CAT4 وكيفية تأثير ذلك على فرصهم الأكاديمية المستقبلية، بما في ذلك مقياس ستانين.

    كما يقاس التفكير المكاني -وهو جانب حاسم من ملف تعريف مستدير لقدرة الطالب- في اختبار CAT4 مما يوفر نظرة ثاقبة لقدرة الطفل على فهم المعلومات المرئية ومعالجتها.

    يوفر اختبار CAT4 لمحة تقريبية عن قدرة الطلاب، بما في ذلك التفكير المكاني، حتى يتمكن الآباء من فهم نقاط القوة والضعف لدى أطفالهم بشكل أفضل واتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة بشأن توفير المستوى المناسب من التحدي لتقدمهم الأكاديمي.

    مقياس ستاتين (ST):

    يتراوح المقياس من 1 إلى 9 وهي أعلى تقييم.

    يُمكنك مقياس ستاتين من الحصول على رؤى قيّمة حول أداء الطلاب، ومساعدتهم على تحقيق إمكاناتهم الكاملة.

    يمكنك قراءة المزيد في تقرير نتائج CAT4.


    يُعد اختبار CAT4 ضروريًا لاختبار مهارات التفكير في الكلمات والأشكال والأرقام لدى الطلاب.

    وللحصول على نتائج أفضل، يجب على الطلاب التدرب على نماذج أسئلة وتحسين نقاط ضعفهم. قد يساعدهم ذلك على الشعور بمزيد من الثقة وتحسين أدائهم في الاختبار.

    من وجهة نظر شخصية، يجب على الآباء تشجيع أطفالهم على بذل قصارى جهدهم، ولكن تذكر أن بعض الأطفال قد يحتاجون إلى مساعدة إضافية منك أو من المدرسة.

    لذلك، ابذل قصارى جهدك لمساعدتهم على الاستعداد وراقب درجات اختبار CAT4 على نحوٍ منتظم. إذا وجدتهم “مرتبكين أو محبطين” فتحدث معهم حول شعورهم.

    من تجربتي، قد يشعر بعض الطلاب الذين يعانون من القلق وصعوبات التعلم الأخرى بالخجل ولن يبوحوا بما في داخلهم.

    أفضل ملاحظة أريدك أن تأخذها بعين الاعتبار هي أن وظيفتك -كولي أمر- هي مساعدتهم على التحدث عن مشاكلهم.

  • CAT4 Level Y (Year 3) Free Sample Papers & Practice Test

    CAT4 Level Y (Year 3) Free Sample Papers & Practice Test

    Table of Contents

    What is CAT4 Level Y, and Why Does It Matter?

    The CAT4 Level Y test, also known as the CAT4 Test Year 3, is a standardized cognitive ability assessment designed to measure a student’s reasoning skills and learning potential. Developed by GL Assessment, this test evaluates four key cognitive areas:

    Figures – Non-verbal reasoning and pattern recognition.
    Words – Verbal reasoning and linguistic comprehension.
    Numbers – Quantitative reasoning and mathematical thinking.
    Shapes – Spatial awareness and problem-solving skills.

    Who Takes the CAT4 Level Y Test?

    • In UK schools, the CAT4 Level Y is typically administered in Year 3.
    • Internationally, it is given in Year 2 (Grade 2).

    Why is the CAT4 Level Y Important?

    This test plays a crucial role in student assessment, helping schools:
    📌 Identify a child’s strengths and learning needs beyond traditional academic performance.
    📌 Support gifted & talented programs by recognizing high-potential students.
    📌 Provide data for school admissions (some institutions use it as an entry requirement).

    Whether your child is preparing for a school entrance exam or you want to understand their cognitive abilities, preparing for the CAT4 test is essential.

    What to Expect in the CAT4 Level Y Test

    The CAT4 Level Y test consists of four cognitive batteries, each designed to measure different areas of reasoning ability. The entire test takes 43 minutes to complete.

    Test Breakdown & Timing:

    🧩 Figures (Non-Verbal Reasoning)12 minutes

    • Assesses pattern recognition and problem-solving skills without using words.

    📝 Words (Verbal Reasoning)10 minutes

    • Evaluates language-based logical reasoning, including word relationships.

    🔢 Numbers (Quantitative Reasoning)10 minutes

    • Measures numerical problem-solving and mathematical thinking.

    📐 Shapes (Spatial Ability)11 minutes

    • Tests a student’s ability to visualize and manipulate shapes.

    Why Is This Breakdown Important?

    • Helps parents & educators understand how the test is structured.
    • Gives students an idea of how to manage their time effectively.
    • Highlights the different skill sets needed for each section.

    🎯 Tip:

    Practicing timed questions in each section can significantly improve test performance and boost confidence!

    Choose Your Prep

    How to Prepare for the CAT4 Level Y Test

    Preparing for the CAT4 Level Y (Year 3) test is essential to help your child perform their best. We have gathered the best strategies and resources to ensure effective preparation.

    Free CAT4 Level Y Sample Papers 📥

    You can download our free CAT4 Level Y Sample Questions PDF to get access to:
    Realistic practice questions covering all four test sections.
    Fully explained answers to help students understand their mistakes.
    Printable format for convenient practice anytime, anywhere.

    Why Use Our Free Practice Papers?

    📌 Designed to match the real test format – so your child knows exactly what to expect.
    📌 Builds confidence and improves problem-solving skills.
    📌 100% free – always accessible with no hidden costs!

    🔽 Download the Free CAT4 Level Y Sample Questions PDF Now

    Free CAT4 Level Y (Year 3) Practice Test

    CAT4 Level Y Figures Sample Question

    Take a look at the three images provided and try to find the answer that shares the same connection or characteristic as those images.

    Solutions: B

    All objects share the same characteristic of having 3 windows. The submarine in option B is the only figure to share those characteristics.

    CAT4 Level Y Words Sample Question

    Cookie | Biscuit | Crumpet

    A) Ice Cream B) Scone C) Soda D) Maple

    Solutions: B

    Cookie Biscuit and Crumpet are all types of baked goods or snacks.

    CAT4 Level Y Numbers Sample Question

    Find the number that comes next in the following series.

    6 | 12 | 18 | 24 | 30

    A) 36 B) 34 C) 38 D) 42 E) 44

    Solutions: A

    The following series increased by 6 on every step.

    6+6=12 | 12+6=18 | 18+6=24 | 24+6=30. So the next number is 30+6=36.

    Shapes Sample Question

    Pick the shape that matches exactly, keeping its size and orientation.

    Our Shape is:

    A)  B) C) D)

    Solution: A

    CAT4 Level Y Figures Sample Question

    Take a look at the three images provided and try to find the answer that shares the same connection or characteristic as those images.

    Solutions: B

    All objects share the same characteristic of having 3 windows. The submarine in option B is the only figure to share those characteristics.

    CAT4 Level Y

    Expert Tips for Success

    Practice with your child regularly.

    As your little one steps into the world of assessments, it is your job to successfully guide him through CAT4 Level Y preparation.

    Parental Support: Your role in CAT4 Level Y success.

    Your little one is about to tackle one of his first-ever assessments. He might be excited or stressed on the test day. It is your job to ensure he is mentally prepared to avoid future test anxieties.

    Understanding his weaknesses and celebrating his strengths.

    Make your child feel free to err around you; this will help you better understand his weak spots. Celebrate his strengths in your way and make learning fun together rather than a tedious task.

    Find relaible practice source.

    There are plenty of free resources out there, getting a professional online practice preparation can give your child a significant boost.

    CAT4 Level Y and Learning Disability

    The test is designed to accommodate students with learning disabilities, ensuring a fair evaluation of their cognitive abilities.

    Adaptations and accommodations are available to create a level playing field for all.

    How to Read CAT4 Results

    Have you checked out the CAT4 reports yet? They’re an excellent tool for us as parents to identify strengths and challenges for our children, so it is essential to read the report!

    The reports are easy to understand and very engaging. Ask the teacher for the results report and work together on your child’s strengths and weaknesses.

    National Percentile Rank (NPR) – The National Percentile Rank (NPR) shows how a student’s standardized test score compares to other students in their grades nationwide.

    Standard Age Scores (SAS) – SAS scores compare a student’s performance to an average of 100 with a standard deviation of 2.

    Stanines (ST) – The scale ranges from 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest. 

    You can read more on our CAT4 Test Results report.


    As we wrap up this insightful guide, remember that CAT4 Level Y is not just a test; it’s a stepping stone towards your child’s academic success. Equip them with the right tools, and watch them soar.

    Your assisstance can help the little one acheive better confidence and learning skills.


    CAT4 Level Y is a cognitive ablity test for pupils on Year 3 or Grade 2 internationaly.

    Figures, Words, Numbers, and Shapes questions.

    You can use the Free CAT4 Level Y Practice test on this website and download our free PDF.

  • Year 5 CAT Test Sample Questions (CAT4 Level B) & Guide

    Year 5 CAT Test Sample Questions (CAT4 Level B) & Guide

    Table of Contents

    The CAT Test Year 5 (CAT4 Level B) evaluates the cognitive abilities of UK year 5 pupils and year 4 international school students aged between 8-11 years.

    Also known as CAT4 Level B, the CAT4 assessment evaluates verbal, nonverbal, and spatial reasoning abilities.

    It is commonly given during the fall semester as part of the school’s application procedure.

    The Cognitive Ability Test provided by GL-Assessment.

    Top 4 Free CAT4 Level B Practice Tests

    1. Download our free CAT4 Level B Practice Test PDF.
    2. Read our CAT4 Test article and practice the sample questions.
    3. Take a free CAT4 Sample Test.
    4. Use the Free CAT4 Level B Test Sample Questions provided in this article.

    Test Batteries

    The Year 5 CAT Test has eight sections:

    Verbal Reasoning – Verbal Classification and Verbal Analogies.

    Non-Verbal Reasoning – Figure Classification and Figure Matrices.

    Quantitative Reasoning – Number Analogies and Number Series.

    Spatial Ability – Figure Analysis and Figure Recognition.

    Choose Your Prep

    Year 5 CAT Test Sample Questions

    CAT4 Year 5 (Level B) Sample Question – Quantitive Reasoning

    [33 → 28] [28 → 23] [56 → ?]


    A) 50
    B) 51
    C) 49
    D) 48
    E) 52

    Answer: B.

    Step-by-Step solution:

    The rule here is a deduction of 5 in each series.

    Therefore 33-5=28.



    Therefore our answer is B.

    CAT4 Year 5 (Level B) Sample Question – Verbal Reasoning

    Tree → Leaves : Book →


    A) pages
    B) library
    C) cover
    D) words
    E) spine

    Answer: A) Pages.

    Step-by-Step Explanation:

    1. Look at the pair: Tree → Leaves.

      • A tree is made up of or contains leaves.
    2. We want to find a similar relationship for Book → ?

      • A book is made up of or contains pages.
    3. So, the answer is Pages because just like leaves belong to a tree, pages belong to a book.

    CAT4 Year 5 (Level B) Sample Question – Spatial AbilityCAT4 Level B Free sample question Spatial Reasoning

    Answer: 2

    The shape is an upright triangle over a rectangle.

    Step-by-Step Explanation:

    Answer 1 has 1 triangle, but the wrong size and no rectangles overlap.

    Answers 3 and 5 have no upright triangles with the correct shape.

    Answer 4 has 1 triangle but no rectangles overlapping it.

    Therefore, option 2 is our correct answer.

    CAT4 Year 5 (Level B) Sample Question – Non Verbal Reasoning

    CAT4 Level B Free sample question

    Answer: 3.

    Step-by-Step Explanation:

    Each picture contains one big shape with two smaller, same-size shapes inside.

    All shapes have small upright triangles in the lower right part of the big shape.

    Two small shapes are always different from each other and different from the biggest shape.

    Therefore, option 3 is our solution.

    Year 5 CAT Video Practice Test

    5 Recommended Strategies and Tips

    1. Read the Instructions Carefully: When the test begins, resist the urge to dive in immediately.

      The teacher or proctor may share essential details about the test, like its structure, time limits, and grading methods.

      Pay careful attention to their instructions to enhance your chances of success.

    2. Learn the Test Structure & Timeframe: Primary knowledge of the CAT4 structure will help you mentally prepare for each assessment stage and its timeframe.
    3. Use Practice Tests: Regularly taking CAT4 Level B Practice tests is the number 1 source to boost your score.

      Practice tests are a proven method of helping pupils show their true potential.

    4. Don’t over-train: Overtraining is a thing, and you don’t want to burn yourself.

      Set an active hour each day for preparation, and gradually increase the practice times when the test day is approaching.

    5. Get Enough Sleep: It might sound obvious, but our brain works better after a full night’s sleep.

      Studies suggest you sleep between 7-9 hours before an important task to perform best.

    Year 5 CAT test as an entrance test

    Beyond its role as an academic benchmark, the Year 5 CAT Test often serves as an entrance test for various educational institutions. 

    The results influence school placement and aid in identifying a student’s academic potential, shaping their educational journey.

    Why is it so Important?

    The CAT Test Year 5 (CAT4 Level B) holds paramount importance for several reasons.

    Firstly, it serves as a benchmark for tracking academic progress.

    Secondly, it provides invaluable insights into a student’s strengths and weaknesses, enabling tailored educational support.

    Understanding the significance of this test is crucial for students, parents, and educators alike.

    Helpful Resources

    A CAT4 study guide is helpful as it gives an overview of the test material and has practice questions and test day tips.

    Practice tests are also helpful as they let your child get used to the test format and see how they progress while studying.

    Free CAT4 PDF Sample Questions can serve as an excellent study aid.

    A Video Course is a way to go if you’re looking for a preparation that covers all the bases. With its comprehensive approach, it’s the perfect fit for many students.

    CAT Scores Year 5

    Scores range from 10 to 160 and indicate how a student performed to other students of the same age.

    SAS scores serve as a benchmark to compare a student’s performance against the average. A score of 100 is considered average for a student’s age group.

    NPR score of 80% implies that the student scored higher than 80% of their peers while scoring lower than only 20%.

    Stanines combines the NPR and SAS scores to give educators a comprehensive overview of individual student performance and aptitude relative to their peers.

    The Stanine Scale operates on a scale of 1-9, with 1 representing ‘Very Low’ and 9 indicating ‘Very High,’ similar to the new GCSE grading system.

    Learn more about the CAT4 Test Scores.

    CAT4 Gifted and Talented scores explained with an infographic picture

    What is a Good CAT Score in Year 5

    Scores above 100 indicate that the student performed better than average.

    A score between 120 and 129 indicates high ability and giftedness.

    Any score above 130 is considered Gifted and Talented.


    In conclusion, the Year 5 CAT4 Test is a pivotal step in a student’s academic life. 

    Preparation should be approached strategically, incorporating free practice resources, understanding sample questions, and implementing effective strategies.

    Recognizing the test’s importance as a benchmark and entrance test ensures pupils are well-prepared for success.


    Cognitive Ability Tests for Level B Pupils

    100-120 is considered a good CAT score.

    120-129 is considered high ability and giftedness.

    CAT4 Level B is the Year 5 CAT test in the UK and Year 4 in international schools.

  • The Ultimate Guide to CAT4 Verbal Reasoning

    The CAT4 Test has four sections, one of which is Verbal Reasoning.

    To help you prepare for this part of the test, I will share my experience, tips, prep resources and sample questions.

    Before you begin, I recommend you read my complete guide on the CAT4 Test to gain more insight into the test structure and scoring.

    It is also important to note that the CAT4 Verbal Reasoning questions are only for the following subjects:

    1. Verbal Classifications
    2. Verbal Analogies

    The Structure of the CAT4 Verbal Reasoning Battery

    There are 2 parts to the verbal reasoning battery:

    Part 1 – Verbal Classifications

    These questions show us 3 words that are connected, and you have 8 minutes to answer 24 questions.

    Your mission is to find the word from the answer choices that share the same connection.


    cat4 verbal reasoning

    Part 2 – Verbal Analogies

    The first pair of words have a special relationship with these questions. You have 10 minutes to complete 24 questions.

    Your task is to choose the word that completes a second pair of words, similarly maintaining that special relationship.


    cat4 verbal reasoning sample question

    How to Prepare for the CAT4 Verbal Reasoning Test

    To best prepare for the verbal reasoning battery of the CAT4 test, I recommend using a proper resource for your child’s age.

    If you don’t know your child’s CAT4 level, use my guide here.

    The CAT4 test has different levels for each age group. Ensure you use the correct Verbal Reasoning questions for their age group!

    From my experience, some parents use the wrong practice material, which can sabotage their child’s progress and frustrate them.

    Recommended CAT4 Verbal Reasoning Practice Resources

    PreTest Plus – A British resource with accurate CAT4 verbal reasoning sample questions for each level.

    Make sure to address your child’s level. They also offer complete practice tests for all test batteries with guides.

    CAT4-Prep Free PDF – I have created a few free sample tests in PDF form so it would be easy for my students to print them and practise at home.

    Find your level and download the practice PDF. It’s free.

    CAT4-Prep Free Sample Test – This interactive sample test with a score report. You can use it as a complementary tool. You can scroll to the CAT4 verbal reasoning questions.

    GL-Assessment Sample Questions – GL assessment is the CAT4 test provider.

    They provide a few examples on their website but are not level-related, so keep that in mind.

    CAT4 Verbal Reasoning Sample Questions

    Square | Triangle | Circle

    A) Shape
    B) Line
    C) Colour
    D) Number
    E) Angle
    Answer: A) Shape

    Explanation: Square, Triangle, and Circle are all shapes.

    Apple | Banana | Orange

    A) Fruit
    B) Vegetable
    C) Food
    D) Berry
    E) Tree
    Answer: A) Fruit

    Explanation: Apple, Banana, and Orange are all fruits.

    Football | Cricket | Tennis

    A) Sport
    B) Ball
    C) Game
    D) Athlete
    E) Equipment
    Answer: A) Sport

    Explanation: Football, Cricket, and Tennis are all sports.

    Fast → Quick: Slow →

    A) Lazy
    B) Steady
    C) Leisurely
    D) Sluggish
    E) Hasty
    Answer: D) Sluggish

    Explanation: fast and quick are synonyms, and slow and sluggish are synonyms.

    Loud → Noisy: Quiet →

    A) Silent
    B) Boisterous
    C) Vocal
    D) Whisper
    E) Shout
    Answer: A) Silent

    Explanation: Loud and noisy are synonyms, just as quiet and silent.

    Common Mistakes to Avoid

    It’s easy to overthink questions, especially when under pressure. Stick to your first instinct unless you have a reason to change your answer.

    Mismanaging Time
    Time management is crucial. Don’t spend too much time on a single question.

    Ignoring Instructions
    Always read the instructions carefully. Missing a small detail can cost you valuable points.

    Final Thoughts

    Verbal reasoning is a vital component of the CAT4 test. Understanding its structure and preparing effectively can significantly improve your performance.

    Making sure to choose the correct CAT4 level of your child is a key to his success.

  • CAT4 Scores Gifted and Talented

    CAT4 Scores Gifted and Talented

    Table of Contents

    Every child is special, but some stand out as gifted and talented. CAT4 scores can help nurture their potential and shape a bright academic future. This guide explores their significance.

    CAT4 Scores Gifted and Talented: An Overview

    CAT4 is a test used to measure pupils’ cognitive abilities in different fields.

    Before we begin we have to address that gifted and talented are two different definitions.

    Gifted – Giftedness means a pupil who is really good at something without being taught, and they’re naturally great at things like thinking, being creative, getting along with others, or doing physical stuff.

    Even though they have this special talent, they might not do as well as they could in school.”

    Talented – When we say someone is talented, it means they’re really good at something because they’ve worked hard and turned their natural abilities into outstanding skills. 

    Talented pupils will always show that they’re super good at certain things.

    CAT4 Gifted and Talented scores explained with an infographic picture

    What CAT4 Score is Gifted?

    Scoring in the 90th percentile or higher on a CAT4 test may indicate potential for giftedness. 

    However, criteria and percentiles for identifying gifted pupils vary among institutions states and education systems. 

    Check with your school or educational program for their standards and guidelines for selecting gifted pupils using CAT4.

    Based on the Indian Academy of Dubai, the Benchmark for gifted and talented scores on the CAT4 Test are:

    • Pupils with a CAT4 score of 120-129 in one or more areas with attainment below expectation are identified as highly able.
    • Pupils with a CAT4 score of 120-129 in one or more areas with attainment aligned with or above expectations are identified as highly able and talented.
    • Pupils with a CAT4 score of 130 or above in one or more areas with an attainment below expectation are identified as gifted.
    • Pupils with a CAT4 score of 130 or above in one or more areas with attainment in line with or above expectations are identified as gifted and talented.

    Giftedness is multifaceted and cannot be captured by test scores alone. It can manifest in various forms, including creativity, leadership, and artistic talents. 

    How CAT4 Scores Benefit Gifted and Talented Students

    Here are some ways in which CAT4 scores benefit gifted and talented students:

    Identification of Giftedness: Gifted pupils often excel in one or more of the 4 subjects of the assessment, which helps identify their specific talents.

    Tailored Instruction: CAT4 scores can help educators tailor their teaching to meet students’ needs and identify their strengths. Gifted students can then be given advanced coursework or enrichment activities in their areas of strength to maximise their potential.

    Differentiated Learning: Educators can use scores to adjust teaching strategies and better support students. By implementing differentiated instruction, teachers can tailor content, pace, and depth to challenge gifted students appropriately while providing necessary assistance to areas where they may struggle.

    Early Intervention: If a student is gifted, their CAT4 Scores can also highlight areas where they might need extra help. Even talented students can have weaker subjects or skills. Still, if these are identified early enough, it can prevent them from becoming bigger problems.

    Personalised Education Plans: Some schools use CAT4 scores to create personalised education plans (PEPs) or individualised education programs (IEPs) for gifted students. These plans outline specific goals and strategies to support pupils’ learning needs. They may include acceleration, subject acceleration, or access to advanced courses.

    Tracking Progress: The assessments are administered periodically to track a gifted student’s progress. This helps educators gauge the effectiveness of their instructional strategies and make necessary adjustments.

    Support for Emotional and Social Development: Gifted students may face unique social and emotional challenges. CAT4 scores help educators and counsellors identify these students and provide the appropriate social and emotional support to help them thrive academically and personally.

    Equity in Education: CAT4 scores can be used to identify gifted students from underrepresented or underserved populations, ensuring that all students have equal access to gifted education programs.

    Parental Involvement: CAT4 results are often shared with parents or guardians. This information can foster a collaborative partnership between parents and educators, allowing them to collaborate to support the gifted student’s educational journey.

    Strategies for Gifted and Talented Students

    Enrichment Programs

    Enrolling your gifted child in enrichment programs tailored to their strengths can help them flourish academically and socially.

    Individualized Learning

    Advocate for individualized learning plans within your child’s school to meet their unique needs.

    Encourage Curiosity

    Foster your child’s natural curiosity by providing access to resources, books, and experiences that align with their interests.

    Nurturing Emotional Well-being

    Recognize that gifted and talented students may face unique emotional challenges. Create a supportive environment that prioritizes their mental and emotional well-being.


    CAT4 scores provide valuable insights but are just one piece of the puzzle. Success depends on various factors, including dedication, effort, and the support system.

    Yes, CAT4 scores can evolve as children grow and develop. They should be viewed as a snapshot of a child’s abilities at a particular moment.

    Schools can implement accelerated or enriched curricula, provide opportunities for independent research, and offer mentorship programs for gifted students.

    Absolutely. Giftedness is not one-size-fits-all. A child can excel in one domain while having average abilities in another.

    While CAT4 scores can provide valuable information about a student’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses, the designation of giftedness typically involves a more comprehensive evaluation process that considers various factors, including test scores, teacher recommendations, and other assessments. Many schools and educational programs use a combination of tools and criteria to identify gifted students.


    CAT4 scores identify gifted and talented students, and help teachers tailor their teaching to meet students’ needs.

    It also helps identify areas where gifted students may need extra help, and create personalized education plans.

    The assessments are periodically administered to track progress, and support emotional and social development.

    CAT4 scores help ensure all students have equal access to gifted education programs.

  • CAT4 Level G

    CAT4 Level G

    Table of Contents

    The following article includes a short guide about the CAT4 Level G Test with a free CAT4 Level G Practice Test PDF and free sample questions.

    What is the CAT4 Level G Assessment?

    CAT4 Level G Test is also called the Year 11+ Test.

    GL Assessments provide the assessment.

    It is a cognitive test with 4 categories.

    It also acts as a school admission test.

    Level G is for students in school years 11 and +11 between the ages of 14-17.

    The assessment takes 72 minutes to complete.

    It is the hardest CAT4 Test!

    The good news is you can practice and get better at the test.

    Choose Your Level G Prep

    Editor’s Success Tips

    1. Make a Simple Study Plan
    Set aside time for each subject.
    Focus on the hardest topics first.
    Take short breaks to stay fresh.

    2. Use the “Study & Rest” Method
    Study for 25-30 minutes → Take a 5-minute break.
    Repeat 4 times, then take a 15-minute break.
    This keeps your brain sharp and prevents burnout.

    💡 Why It Matters: Good time management means less stress and better results.

    Practice, Practice, Practice!

    1. Take Full Practice Tests
    Pretend it’s the real test—use a timer and sit in a quiet space.
    Go over your mistakes and learn from them.

    2. Focus on Your Weak Areas
    Spend extra time on topics you find hard.
    Use practice questions to test yourself.

    3. Review What You Learn Often
    Don’t cram—spread out your study sessions.
    Use flashcards or quick notes to help remember key points.

    Why It Works: The more you practice, the more confident you’ll feel.

    Test Day Tip: Try a mock test with a timer before the real exam. This will help you get comfortable with the time limits!

    CAT4 Level G Practice Test PDF

    Take advantage of our free CAT4 level G PDF.

    It covers all test sections with mock questions and explanations.

    The best part is that it’s free, and no registrations are needed.

    The Best CAT4 Level G Practice Tests

    1. Get a full online preparation course.
    2. Use our Free CAT4 Level G Practice Test PDF.
    3. You can also use our free CAT4 Practice test.
    4. Another option is our Free CAT4 Sample Test.
    5. Use a dedicated Video Course.

    Test Format

    Here is everything you need to know on our infographic:

    If you can’t see the picture, click here.

    CAT4 Level G Free Practice Test

    Quantitative Reasoning Sample Question

    [72 → 18] [48 → 12] [60 → ?]

    Verbal Reasoning Sample Question

    Brick → Wall: Leather →

    Level G Figure Matrices

    Figure Matrix questions are either 2×2 or 3×3 matrices composed of different pictures.
    In each row and column, the images change the same way or follow the same rule.
    Choose an answer that goes in the empty box in the matrix following the same rule.

    CAT4 Level G Free Sample Question

    The correct answer is 4.
    In this question, the pictures consist of varying shapes with various levels of black fill and white circles in the middle.

    There are 3 different patterns: one for the shapes, one for the level of black fill and one for the white ring inside.

    – Each line (left to right and up and down) has 3 shapes: SHIELD, HEART, and CIRCLE.
    – Left to right or up to down, each shape is filled, half-filled, and a quarter filled with black.
    – Top to down – the first-row whole heart has a circle in (1 shape), the second-row full shield and half-filled shield have circled in (2 shapes), and the third row all 3 shapes have a circle.

    Based on the shape pattern, the missing picture should be a heart, thus eliminating answers 1, 2 and 5.
    Based on the colour fill and circle inside, we need a quarter-filled heart with a white ring inside, so a filled heart under nr3 is out.

    The only remaining possible answer is 4.

    Figure Classification Sample Question

    The Figure Classification questions show three pictures that share a connection or a characteristic.
    Choose the answer that shares the same connection/characteristic from the answer choices.


    The correct answer is 3.
    In this question, the pattern is as follows:
    • Each picture contains a big figure with two smaller white figures.
    • The small figures are always – one INSIDE and one OUTSIDE the big figure.
    • The two small figures are always aligned on horizontal or vertical lines.
    Answers 1 and 5 have one white and one small black figure, automatically excluding these answers.
    Answer 4 has two small white figures, but both are inside the bigger figure.
    Answer 2 does have two small figures, one inside and one outside, the bigger shape, but they do not align vertically or horizontally.
    We are left with 3 as the only possible correct answer.

    CAT4 Gifted and Talented scores explained with an infographic picture

    Test Duration and Scoring

    The test takes around 72-90 minutes.

    Scores are presented in percentiles, comparing a student’s performance to their peers.

    The national benchmark is around 100 points.

    Any score above the national benchmark is considered to be good.

    Scoring +120 is considered very good.

    Scores above 129 are considered gifted and talented.

    You can learn more about the CAT4 Test Score here.

    You can read our full article about CAT4 Scores Gifted and Talented.

    Preparation Strategies


    Preparing and knowing what to expect on test day is critical to succeeding.

    This guide gives you the details and tactics you need to succeed.

    We learned that free pdf and study guides can help pupils understand the test structure.

    You can also use a dedicated prep course.

    This test supports your educational journey, so take a deep breath and take it easy.

    Related Guides:


    A specific version of the cognitive abilities test is designed for Grades 11 and 11+ students.

    Level G is the most advanced level.

    It requires higher-order thinking skills than the lower levels. It includes more challenging tasks and questions.

    No, the test is not mandatory.

    It is typically an optional tool to gain insights into a student’s cognitive abilities.

    The results can benefit students by helping them understand their cognitive strengths and weaknesses.

    Practice materials and sample questions are available to help students prepare for the test.

    Age Range 14-17+ and age level 15-17.

  • CAT4 Level X: Sample Questions & Tips

    CAT4 Level X: Sample Questions & Tips

    Table of Contents

    Are you feeling unsure about the CAT4 Level X Year 2 Test? You’re not alone! But don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.

    In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know and even provide you with a handy cognitive abilities CAT4 level X sample questions pdf for you to download. Let’s dive in!

    What is the CAT4 Level X (Year 2) Test?

    The CAT4 Level X is a cognitive ability test designed for Year 2 students aged 6 to 7. Developed by GL Assessment, it helps identify a child’s hidden potential, cognitive strengths, and areas for improvement. The test is widely used by schools to support early learning development and assess students’ reasoning skills.

    The exam is available in both digital and paper-based formats, making it accessible for different learning environments.

    Test Structure:

    The CAT4 Level X is divided into two main parts with a total of four cognitive categories:

    • Part 1: Figures and Words (Verbal Reasoning)
    • Part 2: Numbers (Quantitative Reasoning) and Shapes (Non-Verbal Reasoning)

    The test lasts 45 minutes and includes explanations and sample questions. Since it is designed for young children, it presents age-appropriate challenges in a simplified format.

    Why is the CAT4 Level X Important?

    Also known as the Year 2 CAT Test, this assessment helps educators and parents understand a child’s thinking patterns beyond traditional school performance. It is a key tool for identifying gifted students, learning difficulties, or areas requiring additional support.

    How Can You Help Your Child Prepare?

    Many parents worry about cognitive ability tests at an early age, but with the right preparation, your child can approach the CAT4 Level X with confidence. The good news? You don’t need to leave it to chance—we provide expert guidance and free practice materials to help your child succeed.

    What’s Next?

    Explore a detailed breakdown of the CAT4 Level X test, including question formats, difficulty levels, and preparation strategies to ensure your child is well-prepared.

    Choose Your Prep

    Download Your Free CAT4 Level X Sample Questions PDF

    Prepare your child for the CAT4 Level X (Year 2) test with our free sample questions PDF. This carefully designed practice resource includes:

    Realistic sample questions to simulate the actual test.
    Cognitive skills practice covering verbal, non-verbal, and quantitative reasoning.
    Printable format for easy at-home practice.

    🔽 Download the Free Level X Sample Questions PDF

    💡 Tip: Print the PDF and have your child complete the questions under timed conditions to build confidence for test day!

    What is the Purpose of the Year 2 CAT Test?

    Have you ever wondered why students take the CAT4 Level X test (CAT4 test grade 2)? The answer is simple – the cognitive abilities exam helps identify their strengths and weaknesses.

    CAT4 Level X test consist of questions that measure a student’s non-verbal reasoning abilities, verbal reasoning skills, quantitative reasoning abilities, and spatial awareness.

    These questions come in various types and difficulty levels, making it a comprehensive cognitive abilities test.

    Taking practice tests that contain unique content is an excellent way for students to implement feedback and get exposed to as many types of questions as possible.

    Some questions cover multiple subjects, including core subjects, and may not fit into a curriculum-based exam, but practicing these types of questions can help students improve their scores in areas they struggle with.

    By doing so, schools can provide extra support and care to those who need it most. It’s an important tool that ensures every student gets the attention they deserve.

    CAT4 Level X (Year 2) Free Practice Test

    I created this free CAT4 Test Practice Grade 2 guide to help you better understand the assessment structure and rules.

    The assessment has 2 parts and 4 categories.

    Figures Sample Question

    1st part includes figures, and it takes 12 minutes.

    Students will face 5 pictures with a series of figures.

    The shapes will contain a hidden object, and the students must guess between 4-5 options.

    These questions might look like the sample we have created here.

    Choose the option that matches the common characteristic of the three images above.

    CAT4 Level X Figures Sample Question with answer

    Answer: The correct answer is A.

    Explanation: All the airplanes are black with white markings on their wings. The only option that shares these same characteristics is Option A.

    Word Sample Questions

    2nd part includes word problems, and it takes 10 minutes to complete.

    In this part, students will face a series of 3 words.

    These words connected on some level.

    The student’s task is to find the connected word from 5 options.

    Each of the three words below are similar in some way. Look at the words carefully and choose the term that matches them.

    Ball | Bicycle | Toy car

    A) Book
    B) Barbie
    C) Chair
    D) Hat
    E) Table

    Explanation: The correct answer is B.

    Step 1: Look at the words carefully – Ball, Bicycle, Doll.
    Step 2: Think about what these words have in common. They are all things you can play with or use for fun.
    Step 3: Now, look at the options: Book, Barbie, Chair, Hat, and Table.
    Step 4: Which option is also something you can play with or use for fun, like a Ball, Bicycle, or Toy car? The answer is B) Barbie.

    Kids can play with toy cars just like they can play with balls, bicycles, and Barbies.

    Numbers Sample Questions

    3rd part includes a numerical problem, which takes 10 minutes to complete.

    Here, students will face a number series with a rule.

    The task is to spot the law and choose the following number out of 5 options.

    Here’s a sample question we have created.

    The number series below follows a rule to decide what number comes next. Study the numbers to spot the power and select the following number.

    5, 10, 15, 20, 25, __


    A) 28
    B) 30
    C) 32
    D) 35
    E) 40

    Answer: B

    Step 1: Look at the numbers carefully – 5, 10, 15, 20, 25.

    Step 2: Think about what these numbers have in common. They all count by 5, adding 5 to the previous number each time.

    Step 3: Now, look at the options 28, 30, 32, 35, and 40.

    Step 4: Which number comes next when we count by 5? The answer is B) 30. It follows the pattern of adding 5 to the previous number (25 + 5 = 30).

    Shapes Sample Questions

    CAT4 Level X Shapes Sample Question

    Answer: B. 

    CAT4 Test Batteries

    How to Prepare Effectively

    Getting ready for a test is a big deal, and there are loads of test preparation methods available.

    CAT4 Level X (Year 2) Sample Questions PDF

    One of the best strategies is to try PDF practice tests. But hold on! Are you using them in the right way?

    To make the most of these tests, take them strategically and identify which areas to focus on.

    Plus, creating the same conditions as the real test is essential. Find a quiet place, minimize distractions, and set aside the same amount of time.

    Review your answers once you complete the practice test to pinpoint where you struggled.

    This helps you identify patterns and focus your study efforts.

    You can find a CAT4 Test Practice Grade 2 for free on my website.

    I have created this Free CAT4 Level X Sample Questions PDF to download.

    Extra Preparation Resources

    Preparing for the actual exam can be nerve-wracking, but with the CAT4 Level X practice tests bundle, students can familiarize themselves with the format and content of the exam.

    The bundle includes practice tests that cover Verbal, Non-Verbal, Spatial, and Quantitative Reasoning, including a series of numbers, just like the actual exam.

    By using interactive sample tests or downloadable PDFs, students can simulate the exam under time constraints, and work through possible question types they may encounter during the actual exam.

    Additionally, students can access extra preparation resources, such as study guides and flashcards, to further improve their performance on the exam.

    With enough preparation and practice, students can approach their Level X CAT4 exam with confidence and perform at their best.

    Additionally, there are many extra preparation resources available for students taking the CAT4 Level X exam in the UK, including study guides, online courses, tutoring services, and comprehensive practice questions and YouTube videos.

    These resources can provide additional support and guidance to help students excel in their CAT4 Level X exam.

    One effective strategy for preparing for the CAT4 Level X exam is to utilize PDF practice tests.

    These practice tests allow students to familiarize themselves with the format and content of the exam, helping them gain confidence.

    It is also a good idea to utilize extra preparation resources, such as study guides and online tutorials, to aid in your revision.

    All the above resources can help students further improve their skills and increase their chances of achieving a high score on the exam.

    While PDF practice tests are a fantastic resource, please don’t rely solely on them.

    It’s essential to supplement with other resources like study guides, video tutorials, and practice tests.

    With the right approach, you’ll be more than ready to knock that test out of the park!

    Strategies & Tips

    Read Instructions Carefully

    Read the instructions carefully to avoid errors. Our tip is to read the instructions twice.

    Budget Your Time Wisely

    Use your time efficiently during the test. Additionally, give yourself enough time for each question and don’t spend too much time on any one question.

    Stay Focused and Calm

    Stay calm during the test by taking deep breaths and keeping a positive attitude. Here is a nice guide for parent on children’s exam anxiety.

    Eliminate Wrong Answers

    To increase the likelihood of guessing correctly, it’s helpful to eliminate incorrect answers.

    Double Check Yourself

    We all make mistakes under pressure. Once you finish the test, make sure to review your answers once again.

    How to Read CAT4 Level X (Year 2) Results

    Have you checked out the CAT4 reports yet? They’re an excellent tool for us as parents to identify strengths and challenges for our children, so it is essential to read the report!

    It’s important not to assume that students with average scores have average scores in all batteries. Sometimes an average ability mean score can be missed, leading to missed opportunities to improve areas of weakness and continue challenging in areas of strength.

    The reports are easy to understand and very engaging. Ask the teacher for the results report and work together on your child’s strengths and weaknesses.

    National Percentile Rank (NPR)

    The National Percentile Rank (NPR) shows how a student’s standardized test score compares to other students in their grades nationwide.

    For instance, if a student has an NPR score of 80%, they did better than 80% of their classmates and worse than only 20%.

    Standard Age Scores (SAS)

    SAS scores compare a student’s performance to an average of 100 with a standard deviation of 2.

    It’s not a pass or fail threshold for the test, but it’s crucial for understanding a student’s educational path.

    Stanines (ST)

    The scale ranges from 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest. 

    Using Stanines, you can gain valuable insights into students’ performance and help them reach their full potential.

    You can read more on our CAT4 Test Results report.

    CAT4 Test scores example
    CAT4 Gifted and Talented scores explained with an infographic picture

    To Sum Up

    The CAT4 Level X test is one of your child’s first tests.

    It is essential to help them learn the test structure and practice sample questions and With the proper preparation, your child will have more confidence on the test day, which can reduce test anxiety.

    You can download my CAT4 Test Practice Grade 2 for Free if you want to use free practices.

    Our job as parents continues as we need the test scores to help us identify strengths and weaknesses.

    Our job as parents continues as we need the test scores to help us identify strengths and weaknesses.

    Related Level Guides

  • CAT4 Level E Practice Test & Free PDF

    CAT4 Level E Practice Test & Free PDF

    Table of Contents

    Our CAT4 Level E & CAT tests year 8 sample question guide offers helpful tips and techniques to improve your score and succeed in the test.

    It provides a free PDF, a practice test, valuable tips, and sample questions.

    What is the CAT4 Level E Test?

    CAT4 Level E is an online test for year 8 students. 

    It is also called the CAT Tests Year 8.

    The assessment helps educators see what students are good at and what they need help with. Some international schools also use it to choose students.

    The Structure of CAT4 Level E

    The test comprises eight sections, which are as follows:

    1. Verbal Reasoning – Verbal Classification and Verbal Analogies.
    2. Non-Verbal Reasoning – Figure Classification and Figure Matrices.
    3. Quantitative Reasoning – Number Analogies and Number Series.
    4. Spatial Ability – Figure Analysis and Figure Recognition.

    This article provides CAT4 Practice Test materials for all these sections.

    Choose Your Prep

    CAT4 Test Batteries

    CAT4 Level E Sample Questions

    Download our CAT4 Practice Test PDF Grade 8

    Figure Classification

    The Figure Classification questions display three pictures with a shared connection or characteristic.

    Select the answer choice that has the same connection/characteristic.

    CAT4 level f sample question

    The correct answer is 5.
    All pictures consist of two identical shapes, one bigger and one smaller. The smaller object is
    next to the big one in any direction, not touching or overlapping. The smaller shape is also
    flattened a bit and looks irregular. The only choice that follows that pattern is 5.
    Answer 1 contains two identical figures, but the smaller one is inside the bigger one.
    In answer 2, there are two shapes of the same size.
    In answer 3, the figures are crossed and the same size.
    In answer 4, the figures follow the pattern of a tiny and one big, with the smaller being flattened but

    CAT Tests Year 8 Sample Question – Figure Matrices

    Figure Matrix questions are either 2×2 or 3×3 matrices composed of different pictures. In each row and column, the pictures change the same way or follow the same rule.

    Choose an answer in the empty box in the matrix following the same rule.

    The correct answer is 2.
    In this question, in the top row, from left to right, we have a black square that has been cut diagonally in half, and the cut half is flipped horizontally. It also turns into lines and not a solid black shape.

    Therefore, the first figure is the black circle for the second row. Then it should be cut diagonally and flipped horizontally, turning into a circle line. Hence, the 2nd choice is the correct answer.

    Figure Analysis

    Figure Analysis questions show a paper that’s folded and punched with holes. The answer choices have unfolded papers with punched holes.

    You must find the answer choice matching the final unfolded paper with punched holes.

    The correct answer is 1.
    • The paper has one hole punched and is folded 3 times.
    • If we open the first crease, which covers one hole, it would result in the following picture having 2 holes.
    • If we open the second crease, which covers 2 holes, it would result in the following picture having 4 holes.
    • If we open the third crease, which covers 4 holes, it would result in the final picture having 8 holes.

    cat tests year 8 sample question
    Answers 2,3, and 4 are incorrect because they do not have precisely 8 holes.
    Answer 5 is incorrect because the hole placement is wrong.

    Figure Recognition

    Figure Recognition questions show a shape with five answer choices that have complex designs.

    You need to select the design with the target shape in the same size and orientation.

    cat tests year 8

    The correct answer is 2.

    The shape presented includes a right-angle triangle leaning on the rectangle.
    • Answer choice 1 has no triangle shape, so this answer is incorrect.
    • Answer choice 3 has a triangle; however, it’s not joined with the rectangle.
    • Answer choice 4 has no right-angle triangles.
    • Answer choice 5 has no triangles at all.

    Verbal Classification

    These questions show us three words that are connected.

    Your mission is to find the word from the answer choices that share the same connection.

     Pilot | Flight attendant | Air traffic controller

    A) engineer
    B) airport
    C) aviation
    D) airline mechanic
    E) passenger

    The correct answer is C.
    Dogs, Cats, and Rabbits are all common pets that people can have. Similarly, the word Pet also shares the same connection as it refers to animals that are kept and cared for by humans.

    A) Animal is incorrect as it is the general category to which dog, cat, and rabbit belong, but it doesn’t directly share the same connection with them.

    Verbal Analogies

    Verbal analogy questions involve finding the special relationship between the first pair of words.

    Choose the word that completes a second pair of words, maintaining a similar connection.

    hot → warm: cold →

    A. freezing
    B. cool
    C. icy
    D. tepid
    E. scorching

    The correct answer is A.
    Hot is a term describing a hot temperature, and warm is a term describing a moderate temperature. The same goes for cold: cold describes a low temperature.

    Moreover, freezing is a term describing an extremely low temperature, similar to how hot is an extreme temperature. Cool, icy, tepid, and scorching are incorrect as they do not represent an extremely low temperature like freezing.

    Number Analogies

    Find the relationship between the numbers in the first two pairs and use it to figure out the missing number in the third pair.

    When placed in the third pair, choose the number that shows the same relationship as the numbers in the first two.

    [25 → 5] [49 → 7] [64 → ?]

    A. 6
    B. 8
    C. 10
    D. 12
    E. 14

    The correct answer is B.
    Look at the numbers in the first pair and try to find the rule they follow.
    How do we get from 25 to 5?
    We see that if we take the square root of the first number, we get the second number:
    √25 = 5.
    Does this rule work for the second pair, as well?
    When we take the square root of 49, we get 7:
    √49 = 7.
    The rule “take the square root of the first number to get the second” works in both pairs, so in the next pair, we should also take the square root:
    √64 = 8.
    Therefore, 8 is the correct answer.

    Number Series

    Number Series questions show a sequence of numbers with a specific rule.

    Select a number from the answer choices that can replace the question mark and continue the series using the same rule.

    Find the following number in the series: 9 16 25 36 49.

    A. 56
    B. 61
    C. 64
    D. 71
    E. 96

    The correct answer is E.
    In this series, the pattern is that each number is obtained by doubling the previous number.

    Starting with 3, we double it to get 6. Then, we double 6 to get 12, double 12 to get 24, and so on. To continue the pattern, we must double the last number in the series, 48. 48 doubled is 96.
    Therefore, 96 is the correct answer.

    Tips for CAT4 Level E

    To excel in CAT4 Level E, adopting effective strategies and creating a focused preparation plan is essential. Here are some tips to enhance your performance:

    Understand the test format

    Take the time to understand the structure and format of CAT4 Level E thoroughly.

    This will help you manage your time and approach each section with confidence.

    Practice with sample questions and mock tests

    Regularly practice with sample questions and mock tests designed explicitly for CAT4 Level E.

    This will familiarize you with the types of questions and improve your speed and accuracy.

    Get a Full-length preparation course with accurate simulations

    You can download our CAT4 Practice Test PDF Grade 8

    You can also use our interactive Free CAT4 Practice Test.

    Identify and strengthen weak areas.

    Through practice, identify your weaker areas in each cognitive domain and focus on improving them.

    Seek additional resources and guidance from educators, or work with tutors to strengthen your skills.

    Develop Critical Thinking Skills

    Engage in activities that promote critical thinking, such as puzzles, brain teasers, and logical reasoning exercises.

    This will sharpen your cognitive abilities and enhance your performance on the assessment.

    Manage Your Time Effectively

    Time management is crucial during the CAT4 Level E exam.

    Practice solving questions under timed conditions to improve your speed and ability to work efficiently. Allocate the appropriate time to each section based on its weight and the number of questions.

    Review Key Concepts

    Take the time to review and refresh key concepts in verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and spatial reasoning.

    Use study materials and online resources to reinforce your understanding.

    Seek Guidance and Support

    If you encounter difficulties or have questions while preparing, seek guidance from teachers, tutors, or educational professionals.

    They can provide valuable insights, clarify concepts, and offer personalized strategies.

    Stay Relaxed and Maintain a Positive Mindset

    Approach the CAT4 Level E exam calmly and positively.

    Practice relaxation techniques and positive self-talk to alleviate stress and anxiety. Trust in your preparation and believe in your abilities.

    These tips can enhance your performance and maximize your potential in the CAT4 Level E assessment.

    CAT4 Test Results Level E

    It is crucial to understand the results of the CAT4 Level E test. To assist you, we have delivered clear information on all aspects to consider when checking the results.

    For more information, please refer to our article on CAT4 Test Results.


    CAT4 Level E & CAT tests Year 8 tests evaluate how well students think and solve problems. It’s essential to understand what it’s about and how it works.

    This guide has tips to help you prepare, like practising sample questions and managing your time wisely.

    With practice and a positive attitude, you can do well on the test and get a high score. To learn more about CAT4 levels click here.

    Related CAT4 Levels Guides:

    FAQs about CAT4 Level E

    It is a cognitive ability test that takes place in the 8th grade.

    CAT4 Level E is designed for students aged 14 and above.

    CAT4 Level E results provide educators valuable insights into students’ cognitive strengths and weaknesses. This information can be utilized to tailor instruction, develop personalized learning plans, and implement targeted interventions, ultimately enhancing student outcomes.

    CAT4 Level E can indeed help identify gifted and talented students. By analyzing students’ cognitive profiles and standardized scores, educators can identify exceptional abilities and provide appropriate enrichment opportunities to nurture their potential.

    Indeed, the CAT4 test is designed to be challenging and appropriately assess students’ abilities at each grade and level.

  • [2025] Year 7 CAT Test (CAT4 Level D)

    [2025] Year 7 CAT Test (CAT4 Level D)

    Table of Contents

    What is the Year 7 CAT Test?

    The “Cognitive Abilities Test” or “CAT4 Level D” is the Year 7 Cat Test evaluates the cognitive abilities of UK and UAE students aged between 11-12 years.

    Also known as CAT4 Level D, the assessment evaluates verbal, nonverbal, and spatial reasoning abilities.

    It is commonly given to Year 7 students during the fall semester as part of the school’s application procedure.

    This article will only cover the year 7 CAT test (CAT4 Level D).

    Year 7 CAT Test Practice Test

    We recommend taking our CAT4 sample test in full-screen mode for the best experience.

    Additionally, our explanations offer helpful tips and solutions for each question, so reviewing the final report carefully is essential.

    Choose Your Prep

    Why is it so Important?

    Parents and teachers need to know a student’s academic abilities to set appropriate goals and expectations.

    The Year 7 CAT Test helps identify a student’s strengths and weaknesses in learning, which can lead to finding courses that suit their needs.

    You should support your child’s test preparation to ensure they can succeed in school and reach their academic potential.

    CAT4 Test Batteries

    The Year 7 CAT Test has eight sections:

    Verbal Reasoning – Verbal Classification and Verbal Analogies.

    Non-Verbal Reasoning – Figure Classification and Figure Matrices.

    Quantitative Reasoning – Number Analogies and Number Series.

    Spatial Ability – Figure Analysis and Figure Recognition.

    Practice materials for all test sections can be found in this article.

    CAT4 Level D

    Preparing for the Year 7 CAT Test

    Preparing for the year 7 CAT Test is essential for your child’s success in school.

    Start early and use study materials to help them feel more prepared and confident on test day.

    Download our Free year 7 cat test sample questions pdf.

    As with any test, the more time students have to study and practice, the more comfortable and confident they will feel on test day. Therefore, preparing your child for the Year 7 Cat Test as soon as possible is advisable.

    Ideally, several months before the test is scheduled. This will give your child plenty of time to review the material covered by the test and to become familiar with the test format.

    You can use several strategies to help your child study and practice for the Year 7 CAT4 Test.

    One practical approach is to work with your child to create a study schedule. Set aside a dedicated time each day for your child to review the test’s material and complete practice questions.

    Additionally, you can use flashcards, games, and other interactive learning tools to make studying fun and engaging for your child.

    Helpful Resources

    A CAT4 study guide is helpful as it gives an overview of the test material and has practice questions and test day tips.

    Practice tests are also helpful as they let your child get used to the test format and see how they progress while studying.

    CAT4 PDF Sample Questions can serve as an excellent study aid.

    A Video Course is a way to go if you’re looking for a preparation that covers all the bases. With its comprehensive approach, it’s the perfect fit for many students.

    Get Free CAT Test Examples to understand the test stracture and question type.


    Maximizing Your CAT4 Level D Practice Test Experience

    Schedule Dedicated Practice Sessions

    Set aside time in your study schedule for taking practice tests.

    It will help you get used to the test format, manage your time better, and build endurance for the CAT4 Level D Test.

    Emulate Exam Conditions

    Create a quiet space like the actual exam room. Turn off your phone and avoid interruptions.

    Stick to the time limit for each section.

    Analyze Your Performance

    Review your test performance to identify strengths and areas for improvement.

    This technique will help you create a personalized study plan and manage your time effectively.

    Review Answer Explanations

    Use the answer explanations on the practice test to understand the correct answers and learn from your errors.

    This method will help you solve problems and understand essential concepts more thoroughly.

    Time Management Strategies

    When practising for the test, manage your time well.

    Give more time to harder and more critical sections.

    This trick will help you during the timed CAT4 exam.

    Track Your Progress

    Take practice tests often to track your progress and see how you improve in different areas.

    This habit will help you feel more confident and motivated for the CAT4 exam.

    Premium Practice Course

    Getting good test scores can be challenging, but proper preparation can help.

    You can try a full-length course to help you prepare better.

    Year 7 CAT Test Video Guide

    Year 7 CAT Test Sample Questions PDF

    We have produced a complimentary CAT4 Level D Practice Test PDF.

    You can access our CAT4 Practice Test PDF for Year 7 here.

    To Sum Up

    To help your child do well on the Year 7 CAT Test, start early, study, practice, and use helpful resources.

    Following these tips will boost your child’s confidence and readiness for the test and set them up for success in school.



    A cognitive ability test for pupils aged 11-12. It is also called the CAT4 Level D.

    Between 85 and 115 when 127 upwards is considered extremely good.

    The national benchmark is around 100 points.

    140 is the highest score on the CAT Year 7 Test, where 100 is the national benchmark.

  • CAT4 Test – Guide for Parents

    CAT4 Test – Guide for Parents

    Table of Contents

    Let’s start with a practice test!

    CAT4 Practice Test

    Figure Classification

    The Figure Classification questions show three pictures that share a connection or a
    Choose the answer that shares the same connection/characteristic from the answer choices.

    Figure Classification:

    Figure Classification:

    Figure Analysis

    You’ll see a folded paper with holes punched in Figure Analysis questions.

    The answer choices show unfolded papers with holes punched in them.

    You have to pick the answer that matches what the folded paper would look like when unfolded.

    Figure Analysis

    Figure Analysis

    Figure Matrices

    Figure Matrix questions are either 2×2 or 3×3 matrices comprised of different pictures. In each
    row and column, the pictures change the same way or follow the same rule. Choose an
    answer that goes in the empty box in the matrix following the same rule.

    Figure Matrices:

    Figure Matrices

    Figure Matrices

    Figure Recognition

    You’ll be shown a shape with five answer options that have complex designs.

    Pick the design with the same size and orientation as the shape shown.

    Figure Recognition
    Figure Recognition

    Number Series
    You’ll see numbers that follow a rule. Select a number from the choices to continue the series using the same rule.

    Find the following number in the series: 3, 6, 9, 12, __

    Find the next number in the series: 9 16 25 36 49 ?

    Find the connection between the numbers in the first two pairs and use that connection to figure out the missing number in the third pair. Choose the number that follows the same connection as the first two pairs for the third pair.

    [8 → 16] [12 → 24] [6 → ?]

    [25 → 5] [49 → 7] [64 → ?]

    You must pick a word that completes a second pair of words in verbal analogy questions.
    The first pair of words have a unique relationship you must maintain.

    hot → warm: cold →

    big → huge: small →

    Dog | Cat | Rabbit

    Square Triangle Circle

    Your score is


    Take Your Practice to the Next Level

    Get Full CAT4 Preparation Here

    What is CAT4 Test?

    The CAT4 test assesses students’ language, number, and spatial thinking. Created by GL Assessments, teachers use it to identify pupil strengths and weaknesses.

    It also estimates how well a student can think about tasks and solve problems using various questions and overall academic potential.

    CAT4 is the short term for the Cognitive Abilities Test Fourth Edition (CAT4).

    The results are really important as they give teachers a way to figure out the best pace of learning. They can also use the results to see if more support is needed or if a pupil is ready for a bigger challenge.

    It also acts as a selective test for international schools, and in some cases, it works as a pre-test to help the school better understand the pupil’s needs and level before the school year begins.

    CAT4 exams are available for pupils 6-17 and take 2 hours and 15 minutes. It is composed of 3 parts. Each part has a timeframe of 45 minutes.

    Based on GL Assessments, over 750,000 students take the exam each year.

    What is the Purpose of the CAT 4 Test?

    The test helps teachers find gifted students, figure out learning problems, and change teaching to fit what each student is good at.

    The CAT4 Test aims to tell the true potential of a student, and it also enables teachers to adapt their teaching approaches, which is a great thing!

    How is the Test Administered?

    The CAT4 test is usually given at school by a trained person. It’s done on a computer and takes 2 hours and 15 minutes. But there’s also a paper version that’s less popular now.

    The test can take place at any point in the academic year.

    Take Your Practice to the Next Level

    Get Full CAT4 Preparation Here

    CAT4 Format and Sections Explained

    The test has four sections, with each section having a specific focus.

    You will have 8-10 minutes to complete each section, and the entire test should take 45 minutes.

    This article provides CAT4 Practice Test questions for all test sections.



    Number of questions

    Time per question

    Verbal classification

    8 minutes


    20 seconds

    Verbal analogies

    8 minutes


    20 seconds

    Figure classification

    10 minutes


    25 seconds

    Verbal classification

    10 minutes


    25 seconds

    Number analogies

    10 minutes


    33.3 seconds

    Number series

    8 minutes


    26.6 seconds

    Figure analysis

    9 minutes


    30 seconds

    Figure recognition

    9 minutes


    30 seconds


    What Type of Questions Included in the CAT4 Exam

    This flowchart explains each part of the CAT test.

    CAT4 Test Batteries

    CAT4 Test Sample

    To have the best experience, we recommend taking our free CAT4 practice test in full-screen mode.

    Moreover, our explanations offer helpful tips and solutions for each question.

    CAT4 Video Practice Test

    What is the CAT4 practice test?

    We’ve got some fantastic CAT4 Exam Sample Questions to give you a taste of the real assessment.

    Take your time going through each explanation – you’ll find some valuable insights and tips that will help you nail the test.

    Figure Classification Sample QuestionCAT4 level f sample question Answer & step-by-step explanation:The correct answer is 5.
    • All pictures consist of two identical shapes, one bigger and one smaller.
    • The smaller object is next to the big one in any direction, not touching or overlapping.
    • The smaller shape is also flattened a bit and looks irregular. The only choice that follows that pattern is 5.

    Take Your Practice to the Next Level

    Get Full CAT4 Preparation Here

    Verbal Analogies Sample Question

    Bricks → Wall: Leather →

    A) Jacket B) House C) Car D) Candle E) Room

    The correct answer is A. Jacket.

    Leather is commonly used to make jackets. This option maintains the same relationship as the original pair, where a material (bricks) is used to create an item (wall), and leather is used to create a jacket.

    Figure Recognition Sample QuestionAnswer & step-by-step explanation:The correct answer is 2.
    • The shape presented includes a right-angle triangle leaning on the rectangle.
    • Answer choice 1 has no triangle shape, so this answer is incorrect.
    • Answer choice 3 has a triangle; however, it’s not joined with the rectangle. • Answer choice 4 has no right-angle triangles.
    • Answer choice 5 has no triangles at all.

    Number Series Sample Questions

    Find the next number in the series: 9 18 36 72 ?

    A. 142
    B. 150
    C. 144
    D. 138
    E. 146

    Answer & step-by-step explanation:

    The correct answer is C. In this series, the pattern is that each number is obtained by doubling the previous number. Starting with 9, we double it to get 18. Then, we double 18 to get 36, 36 to get 72, and so on. To continue the pattern, we must double the last number in the series, 72. 72 doubled is 144. Therefore, C is the correct answer.

    Take Your Practice to the Next Level

    Get Full CAT4 Preparation Here

    How can I prepare for the CAT4 exam?

    Understanding the Format:

    It is crucial to be familiar with the test format in advance. Take the time to understand the number of sections, the test duration, and the types of questions you will encounter on the test day.

    Practice with Sample Questions:

    Try practising with sample test questions online to become familiar with the test structure and question types you’ll face on test day.

    Here are our best recommended CAT4 practices for you:

    1. Practice Test.
    2. Free Preparation.
    3. Free PDF Practice.
    4. Free Sample Question.

    Focus on Weak Areas:

    It’s helpful to find areas of difficulty and work on improving them. One way is to solve puzzles or practice visualizing objects in space.

    Get Adequate Rest and Nutrition: Rest well and eat healthily on test day to enhance cognitive abilities and performance.

    Is the CAT4 Test Hard?

    The difficulty of the CAT4 test depends on a student’s natural cognitive abilities, preparation, and familiarity with the test format. Since the CAT4 test is designed to assess thinking skills rather than knowledge of a specific subject, its difficulty is subjective and varies among individuals.

    Strategies & Tips for Taking the CAT4 Test

    We’ve got 10 golden tips and strategies to help you ace the CAT4 test like a pro!

    1. Make sure you understand the test format. Familiarize yourself with the types of questions you’ll be facing, the number of questions, and the time you’ll have for each section.
    2. Practice makes perfect, so take as many practice tests as possible. This will help you get comfortable with the test format and boost your confidence on test day.
    3. Time management is key. Keep an eye on the clock and make sure you can answer all the questions within the given time.
    4. Read the instructions carefully before answering any questions. You don’t want to lose points because of a misunderstanding.
    5. Pick out the best. If you find a question you’re unsure about, don’t panic! Eliminate the options you know are wrong first, and make an educated guess.
    6. Taking care of yourself is just as important as preparing for the test. Get a good night’s sleep, have a healthy breakfast, and arrive on time.
    7. Are you feeling anxious? Most people do, so don’t be hard on yourself. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you’ve got this!
    8. Before submitting your test, double-check all your answers, and don’t leave any questions unanswered.
    9. Want to get better? Understanding the test structure is a must! Review our infographics about all test sections explained.
    10. Stay calm, focused, and well-rested on test day. You’ve got this!

    What are the CAT4 levels?

    Are you curious about the CAT4 levels? It can get confusing since different locations name them by other names. But don’t worry! We’ve got you covered.Check out our complete guide on each CAT4 Level and get the clarification you need for the test you’re about to take.
    Age RangeCAT4 Test Level
    6 years – 7 yearsLevel X
    7 years – 8 yearsLevel Y
    6 years to 8 yearsLevel Pre-A
    7 years – 9 yearsLevel A
    8 years – 10 yearsLevel B
    9 years – 11 yearsLevel C
    10 years – 12 yearsLevel D
    11 years  – 13 yearsLevel E
    12 years – 15 yearsLevel F
    14 years – 17 years +Level G

    CAT4 Test Results

    Percentile RankSTENStandard Age ScoreInterpretation
    98+10130+Very High Performance
    84 – 978 – 9115 – 129Above Average Performance
    70 – 837108 – 114High Average Performance
    31 – 695 – 693 – 107Average Performance
    16 – 30485 – 92Low Average Performance
    3 – 152 – 370 – 84Below Average Performance
    <31>70Very Low Performance

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    CAT4 Test Scores Explained

    Have you checked out the CAT4 reports yet?

    As parents, we all want to make sure we’re doing everything we can to help our kids succeed, and these reports are an excellent tool for identifying strengths and challenges in our children. 

    Trust me; you want to take advantage of this valuable resource!

    It’s easy to overlook areas where our kids may need extra help or be challenged further. But by diving into the report, we can identify these areas and help our kids reach their full potential.

    The best part is these reports are easy to understand. If you haven’t already, ask your child’s teacher for the results report and work together on your child’s strengths and weaknesses.

    Remember that average scores don’t always mean average abilities across the board.

    Let’s give our kids the best chance for success!

    How to Interrupt the CAT4 Results:

    The best thing about the test is receiving a detailed report! Let’s explore together how to interrupt the CAT4 Results.

    The individual report for parents includes a complete test review, a student profile, and a summary.

    The student profile will include a bar chart report:

    The yellow part is the average.

    The summary will look as follows:

    The summary will include all insights about the pupil.

    National Percentile Rank (NPR):

    The National Percentile Rank (NPR) shows how a student’s standardized assessment score compares to other students in their grades nationwide.

    For instance, if a student has an NPR score of 80%, they did better than 80% of their classmates and worse than only 20%.

    Standard Age Scores (SAS):

    SAS scores compare a student’s performance to an average of 100 with a standard deviation of 2.

    It’s not a pass or fail threshold, but it’s crucial for understanding a student’s educational path.

    When comparing standard age scores (SAS) between CAT4 Level X & Y and the other levels of CAT4, it is important to note that whereas the range of scores from levels A to G is from 59 to 141, the range of scores for levels X & Y ranges from 69 to 131, making it tailored to a specific age group.

    This is to ensure that younger children in the year group are not disadvantaged when taking the online assessment, as the SAS takes into account the child’s age in years and months at the time of testing and is calculated from their raw score. 

    Additionally, most selective schools are looking for a standardised score of at least 115, and sometimes higher, for Year 7 candidates with low quantitative scores and low verbal scores.

    This information can be useful for parents to understand their child’s performance on the CAT 4 test and how it may impact their future academic opportunities, including their stanine rank.

    Spatial reasoning, a crucial aspect of a rounded profile of student ability, is also measured in the CAT4 test, providing insight into a child’s ability to understand and manipulate visual information.

    CAT4 provides a rounded profile of student ability, including spatial reasoning, so parents can better understand their child’s strengths and weaknesses and make informed decisions about providing the right level of challenge for their academic progress.

    Stanines (ST):

    The scale ranges from 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest. 

    Using Stanines, you can gain valuable insights into students’ performance and help them reach their full potential.

    You can read more on our CAT4 Results report.

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    What is the CAT4 exam in UAE?

    • Inclusivity: CAT4 is especially beneficial in the UAE, where schools cater to diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
    • Curriculum Alignment: Used by schools following British, American, and other international curricula to support academic planning.
    • School Admissions: Often required by schools in the UAE for admissions or streaming purposes.

    Administration in UAE Schools

    • Typically conducted annually or during specific admission cycles.
    • Results are shared with teachers, school administrators, and sometimes parents to ensure a collaborative approach to student development.

    The CAT4 exam plays a critical role in the UAE education system by equipping educators and parents with the tools to foster students’ intellectual growth and maximize their potential.


    The CAT4 test is essential for testing students’ word, shape, and number thinking skills.

    To do well, students should practice with sample questions and improve their weaker areas. This can help them feel more confident and do better on the test.

    From a personal point of view, as parents, you should encourage your child to do his best, but remember that some children might need extra help from you or the school. 

    Therefore, do your best to help them prepare and do a regular check-up on their CAT4 practice test scores. If you find them “confused or frustrated”, speak with them about what is causing them to feel that way. 

    From my experience, pupils with anxieties and other learning disabilities might feel ashamed and will mostly keep that secret.

    The best note I want you to take from this article is that your job as a parent is to help them speak about their problems.


    Some schools use the test as part of their admissions process.

    The test is typically administered in a school setting by a trained administrator.

    Yes, preparing for the test by understanding the format, practising with sample questions, and focusing on weak areas can help students perform better.

    The test results are presented as scaled scores, which are based on the student’s age and indicate how their performance compares to that of other students of the same age.

    The test measures a student’s cognitive abilities in four areas: verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, spatial ability, and quantitative reasoning

    Indeed, the test is designed to be challenging and appropriately assess students’ abilities at each grade and level.

    Although it has some similarities, the CAT4 Test is not marked as an IQ test.

    CAT4 is a cognitive ability test. The number 4 is the test version.

  • CAT4 Practice Test

    CAT4 Practice Test

    Table of Contents

    Use our CAT4 practice tests, and learn how they can help you.

    This Guide offers valuable tips with an actual CAT4 practice test to help maximise your CAT4 test preparation.

    We’ll explore what the test includes, why practice tests are great, and how to choose the right one.

    It is essential that practice materials align with the student’s test level.

    Choose Your CAT4 Practice Test

    Choose the practice based on your child’s level.

    The Free Sample Questions are part of an all-inclusive guide with relevant sample questions for each level.

    The Course is a full online preparation we recommend taking.

    The Free PDF is a downloadable and printable sample question pack with step-by-step solutions.

    Free CAT4 Practice Test Video

    Take CAT4 Practice Test

    CAT4 Practice Test – Verbal Classification

    These questions show us three words that are connected. Your mission is to find the word from the answer choices that shares the same connection.

    Begin. Initiate. Commence

    A) End B) Pause C) Conclude D) Start E) Halt

    Answer: D

    The correct answer is D Start.
    The words “Begin,” “Initiate,” and “Commence” all mean “to start or begin something.” They are synonyms and are often used interchangeably to describe the act of starting an action, process, or event.

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    CAT4 Practice Test – Verbal Analogy

    Let’s practice verbal analogy questions!

    The first pair of words have a special relationship in verbal analogy questions. Your task is to choose the word that completes a second pair of words, similarly maintaining that special relationship.

    Bricks → Wall: Leather →

    A) Jacket B) House C) Car D) Candle E) Room

    The correct answer is A. Jacket.

    Leather is commonly used to make jackets. This option maintains the same relationship as the original pair, where a material (bricks) is used to create an item (wall), and leather is used to create a jacket.

    laugh → giggle: cry →

    A) sob B) chuckle C) weep D) snicker E) bawl

    Answer: C

    Laughing and giggling are different forms of laughter, just as crying and weeping are other forms of expression of sadness. Sob, chuckle, snicker, and bawl are incorrect terms as they don’t represent the softer form of crying.

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    CAT4 Number Series Sample Question

    Find the next number in the series: 3 6 12 24 48 ?

    Options: A) 88 B) 92 C) 96 D) 98 E) 94

    Answer: C

    In this series, the pattern is that each number is obtained by doubling the previous number.

    Starting with 3, we double it to get 6. Then, we double 6 to get 12, double 12 to get 24, and so on.

    To continue the pattern, we must double the last number in the series, 48.

    48 doubled is 96.

    Find the next number in the series: 36, 34, 30, 28, 24

    Options: A) 20 B) 22 C) 25 D) 23 E) 28

    Answer: B

    This is a series of numbers where we alternate between subtracting 2 and subtracting 4. It starts with subtracting 2, then 4, then 2, and continues in this pattern.

    CAT4 Number Analogies Sample Questions

    [8 → 16] [12 → 24] [6 → ?]

    A) 12 B) 14 C) 8 D) 24 E) 48

    Answer: A

    Look at the numbers in the first pair and try to find the rule they follow.
    How do we get from 8 to 16?
    We see that if we multiply the first number by 2, we get: 8 × 2 = 16.

    Does this rule work for the second pair, as well?
    When we multiply 12 by 2, we get 24: 12 × 2 = 24.

    The rule “multiply the first number by 2 to get the second” works in both pairs, so in the next pair we should also multiply by 2: 6 × 2 = 12.

    [25 → 5] [49 → 7] [64 → ?]

    Options: A) 6 B) 8 C) 10 D) 12 E) 14

    Answer: B

    Look at the numbers in the first pair and try to find the rule they follow.
    How do we get from 64 to 8?
    We see that if we take the square root of the first number, we get the second number: √25 = 5.

    Does this rule work for the second pair, as well?
    When we take the square root of 49, we get 7: √49 = 7.
    The rule “take the square root of the first number to get the second” works in both pairs, so in the next pair we should also take the square root: √64 = 8.

    CAT4 Figure Matrices Sample Question

    Choose an answer choice that goes in the empty box in the matrix that follows the same rule.


    Answer: 2

    In this question, we have pattern of circles which are colored, with a clear square placed directly over it. The square edges are going over the surface of the circle.

    If we look at the colors of the circles, from left to right, we can see the color becoming lighter – Black, dark gray, light gray.

    Therefore, the last circle needs to be completely white with the square over it.

    Hence, the 2nd choice is the correct answer.

    CAT4 Figure Classification Sample Question

    Figure Classification questions show three pictures that share a connection or a characteristic.

    Choose the answer that shares the same connection/characteristic from the answer choices.

    Answer: 3

    In this question, the pattern is as follows:
    • Each picture contains one big shape with two smaller, same-size shapes inside.
    • All shapes have small upright triangles in the lower right part of the big shape.
    • Two small shapes are always different from each other and different from the biggest shape.
    Answers 1, 2 and 4 do not have a small triangle upright in the lower right part.
    Answer 5 has an upright small triangle, but the biggest shape is also a triangle, which breaks the rule of all shapes being different.
    We are left with choice 3 as the only possible correct answer.

    CAT4 Figure Analysis Sample Questions

    Figure Analysis questions present a paper folded several times and then punched with holes.

    The answer choices contain unfolded papers with punched-in holes.

    You need to determine which of the answer choices is the final product of the unfolded punched-in paper.


    Benefits of Taking a CAT4 Practice Test

    Identifies Knowledge Gaps

    A CAT4 practice test reveals areas where you may need additional support or further revision.

    Assessing your performance across different cognitive abilities helps pinpoint the specific areas you should focus on during your preparation.

    This approach allows you to optimize your study time and address potential knowledge gaps.

    Familiarizes with Test Format

    Becoming familiar with the CAT4 test format is crucial for optimal performance.

    Practice tests will give you insights into the test’s structure, question types, and time constraints.

    This familiarity helps reduce test anxiety and build confidence, enabling you to approach the test easily.

    Builds Time Management Skills

    The CAT4 test is timed, challenging students to answer questions within a specific timeframe.

    Timed practice tests enhance time management, ensuring you complete all sections within the constraints.

    By adopting efficient time management strategies during practice, you can refine your skills and boost your performance during the test.

    Reduces Test Anxiety

    Test anxiety can slow your performance and impact your results.

    Regularly taking CAT4 practice tests helps alleviate test anxiety by building familiarity and confidence.

    As you become accustomed to the test environment and question types, you will feel more at ease when taking the CAT4 test.

    The Importance of a CAT4 Practice Test

    Good preparation can decide a pupil’s score.

    If you want to show your true potential, it is best first to practice.

    Not all pupils are the same; some need more help than others.

    CAT4 Practice Tests will help you understand the structure, timeframe, and question style.

    This pre-knowledge can boost your confidence and eliminate test anxiety.

    You will also benefit from forming test strategies and identifying weak areas.

    How to Choose the Right CAT4 Practice Test

    Choosing the proper CAT4 practice test is essential to guarantee an accurate representation of the actual test conditions and reliable results.

    Consider these factors when selecting a practice test:

    Reliability and Validity

    Opt for CAT4 practice tests that reputable educational organizations or publishers develop with a proven record of reliability and validity.

    These tests are more likely to accurately assess your abilities and offer a reliable estimate of your performance on the actual CAT4 test.

    Content Coverage

    Ensure that the practice test covers all areas tested in the CAT4 Test, including verbal, non-verbal, quantitative, and spatial reasoning.

    Comprehensive practice tests that align with the official test specifications will ensure you receive a thorough evaluation of your abilities.

    Online vs. Paper-based Practice Tests

    Consider your preferences and test-taking habits when deciding between online and paper-based practice tests.

    Online practice tests offer convenience and immediate feedback, while paper-based tests may provide a more traditional testing experience.

    Most CAT4 tests are taken online, and simulating the actual test environment is vital in preparation.

    Diagnostic Feedback

    The availability of diagnostic feedback is a valuable feature to consider when selecting a practice test.

    Diagnostic reports provide detailed insights into your performance, highlighting strengths and weaknesses in specific cognitive areas.

    This feedback helps you craft a targeted study plan tailored to your needs.

    Cost and Accessibility

    Factor in the price and accessibility of different CAT4 practice tests.

    Some tests may offer a free trial or limited features for evaluation, while others may require a financial investment.

    Our Recommended Preparation

    This British-flavored, child-friendly website is
    here to lead you through the maze of questions, making the learning experience enjoyable and engaging!

    Choose your test level and get immediate access to hundreds of questions and simulations.

    Get the Recommended preparation.

    Free Online CAT4 Practice Test

    Use our online Free CAT4 Sample Test.

    Free PDF CAT4 Practice Test

    Using our PDF practice tests can be a great aid, always for free.

    CAT4 Practice Test Tips

    Read Instructions Carefully

    Ensure you read and understand the instructions for each CAT4 practice test section before starting.

    This can help you avoid mistakes and ensure you answer the questions correctly.

    Budget Your Time

    The test is timed, so budgeting your time carefully is essential.

    Ensure you have enough time to answer all the questions in each section, and don’t spend too much time on any one question.

    Stay Focused and Calm

    Staying focused and calm can help you perform better on the test.

    Take deep breaths if you feel nervous or anxious, and maintain a positive attitude throughout the test.

    Eliminate Wrong Answers

    If you’re unsure, try eliminating any incorrect answers first.

    This can increase your chances of guessing the correct answer.

    Get a Premium Preparation Course

    Using online preparation courses can save a lot of time. We recommend the following online course.

    Setting SMART Goals

    Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals based on your performance in practice tests.

    These goals should be specific to the areas where improvement is needed.

    By setting goals, you guide your preparation, stay motivated, and measure your progress effectively.

    Additional Resources for CAT4 Test Preparation

    To support your CAT4 test preparation, consider utilizing the following resources:

    Online Practice Platforms

    Explore online platforms that offer CAT4 practice tests and study materials.

    These platforms often provide a simulated test environment, immediate feedback, and additional resources for comprehensive preparation.

    Study Guides and Books

    Acquire study guides and books designed explicitly for CAT4 test preparation.

    These resources offer in-depth explanations, sample questions, and practice materials to enhance your understanding and familiarity with the content.

    Tutoring Services

    Consider enlisting the help of tutoring services if you require personalized guidance and support.

    Tutors can offer valuable insights, tailored study plans, and expert advice to refine cognitive abilities and optimize CAT4 performance.

    Study Groups and Forums

    Engage with study groups or online forums dedicated to CAT4 test preparation.

    Collaborating with peers allows for the exchange and discussion of ideas, provides additional perspectives, and enhances your overall preparation experience.


    Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of our comprehensive guide to CAT4 practice tests.

    By incorporating practice tests into your preparation strategy, you’re equipping yourself with invaluable tools for success.

    Remember to select reliable practice tests, create a study schedule, analyze your results, and utilize additional resources to optimize your performance.

    With thorough preparation, confidence, and targeted practice, you’ll be well-equipped to excel in the CAT4 test and reach your academic goals. Good luck!


    Relatively yes. If you have never encountered these questions, the CAT4 Test can be hard! This is why it is important to use a CAT4 Practice Test.

    National Percentile Rank (NPR) – Above 70%.

    Standard Age Scores (SAS) – The average score is always 100, with a standard deviation of 2.

    Stanines (ST) – Stanine Rank 7 or above.

    Learn more about CAT4 Test Scores here.

    You can find free practice tests for all CAT4 levels on our website.

  • CAT4 TEST: 학업적 훌륭함을 향한 로드맵

    CAT4 테스트

    CAT4 테스트 – [2024] 샘플 질문이 포함된 학부모 및 학생 안내서

    CAT4 TEST에 대해 궁금하신가요?

    친애하는 학부모님과 학생 여러분, 더 이상 찾을 필요가 없습니다!
    우리는 다음과 같이 여러분을 도와 드립니다:

    -예제 문제
    -유용한 조언
    -결과 해석 방법

    시험을 자신있게 볼 수 있도록 완벽하게 준비될 것입니다.

    이 글에서는 저의 교사와 개인 과외 경험을 토대로 CAT4 TEST 대비에 대한 귀중한 비밀을 공유하겠습니다.

    CAT4 TEST은 무엇인가요?

    CAT4 TEST은 학생들의 언어, 숫자, 그리고 공간적 사고를 평가합니다.

    GL Assessments 가 만들었으며, 교사들은 학생의 강점과 약점을 파악하는 데 사용합니다.

    또한 다양한 질문을 통해 학생이 과제를 생각하고 문제를 해결할 수 있는 능력을 어느 정도 예측합니다.

    CAT4는 Cognitive Abilities Test Fourth Edition (CAT4)의 약어입니다.

    이 결과는 교사들에게 학습 속도를 가장 잘 파악하는 방법을 제공하기 때문에 매우 중요합니다.
    또한 결과를 사용하여 더 많은 지원이 필요한지 또는 학생이 더 큰 도전을 할 준비가 되었는지 확인할 수도 있습니다.

    이것은 또한 국제 학교를 위한 선택 시험 역할도 하며, 경우에 따라 학교 연도가 시작되기 전에 학생의 필요와 수준을 학교가 더 잘 이해하는 데 도움이 되는 선행 시험으로 작용합니다.

    CAT4 TEST의 목적은 무엇인가요?

    이 시험은 교사들이 재능 있는 학생을 찾고, 학습 문제를 해결하며 각 학생이 뛰어난 점에 맞게 가르칠 수 있도록 돕는 데 도움을 줍니다.

    CAT4 TEST은 학생의 진정한 잠재력을 밝히는 것을 목표로 하며, 교사들이 자신의 가르치는 방식을 적응시킬 수 있도록 합니다. 이것은 정말 훌륭한 일이죠!

    시험은 어떻게 진행되나요?

    CAT4 TEST은 일반적으로 학교에서 훈련받은 사람에 의해 진행됩니다. 컴퓨터로 진행되며 2시간 15분이 소요됩니다. 그러나 이제는 덜 인기 있는 종이 버전도 있습니다.

    시험은 학년 내내 언제든지 진행될 수 있습니다.

    CAT4 형식 및 섹션 설명

    이 시험은 네 가지 섹션으로 구성되어 있으며, 각 섹션은 특정한 중점을 둡니다.

    각 섹션을 완료하는 데 8-10분이 주어지며, 전체 시험은 45분 정도 소요됩니다.

    이 글은 CAT4 실전 모의고사 문제를 모든 시험 섹션에 대해 제공합니다.

    CAT4 레벨은 무엇입니까?

    각각에 대해 알아야 할 모든 것 CAT4 Level.

    연령대CAT4 테스트 수준
    6 years – 7 yearsCAT4 Level X
    7 years – 8 yearsCAT4 Level Y
    6 years to 8 yearsCAT4 Level Pre-A
    7 years – 9 yearsCAT4 Level A
    8 years – 10 yearsCAT4 Level B
    9 years – 11 yearsCAT4 Level C
    10 years – 12 yearsCAT4 Level D
    11 years  – 13 yearsCAT4 Level E
    12 years – 15 yearsCAT4 Level F
    14 years – 17 years +CAT4 Level G

    CAT4 구조 및 시간

    언어 논리력
    언어 분류
    8 분
    24 문제

    언어 유사성
    8 분
    24 문제

    비언어 논리력

    도형 분류
    10 분
    24 문제

    도형 매트릭스
    10 분
    24 문제

    양적 논리력

    숫자 유사성
    10 분
    18 문제

    숫자 시리즈
    8 분
    18 문제

    공간 능력

    도형 분석
    9 분
    18 문제

    도형 인식
    9 분
    18 문제

    총 시간

    각 배터리는 총 45 분 이상 소요되지 않아야 하며, 행정 지침, 예시 및 연습 문제를 포함합니다.

    CAT4 TEST 샘플 테스트

    최상의 경험을 위해 전체 화면 모드에서 무료 CAT4 샘플 테스트를 추천합니다.

    또한, 우리의 설명은 각 질문에 대한 유용한 조언과 해결책을 제공합니다.

    추가적인 샘플 문제에 접근하세요.

    CAT4 샘플 문제

    실제 평가의 미리보기를 제공하기 위해 훌륭한 CAT4 TEST 샘플 문제 몇 가지를 준비했습니다.

    각 설명을 천천히 살펴보세요. 여기에는 시험을 훌륭하게 해결하는 데 도움이 되는 귀중한 통찰과 조언이 있습니다.

    도형 분류 샘플 문제

    CAT4 level f sample question

    답변 및 단계별 설명:

    올바른 답은 5입니다.

    모든 그림은 두 개의 동일한 모양으로 이루어져 있으며, 하나는 더 크고 하나는 더 작습니다.
    더 작은 물체는 어떤 방향으로든 큰 물체 옆에 있으며, 닿거나 겹치지 않습니다.
    작은 모양은 조금 펴져 있으며 불규칙하게 보입니다. 이 패턴을 따르는 유일한 선택은 5입니다.

    공간 능력 샘플 문제

    Figure Analysis

    답변 및 단계별 설명:

    올바른 답은 1입니다.

    answer 7

    종이에 구멍이 하나 뚫려 있고 3 번 접혀 있습니다.

    첫 번째 접힌 부분, 즉 하나의 구멍을 덮고 있는 부분을 열면 다음 그림은 2 개의 구멍이 있게 됩니다.
    두 번째 접힌 부분, 즉 2 개의 구멍을 덮고 있는 부분을 열면 다음 그림은 4 개의 구멍이 있게 됩니다.
    세 번째 접힌 부분, 즉 4 개의 구멍을 덮고 있는 부분을 열면 다음 그림은 총 5 개의 구멍이 있게 됩니다.

    추가적인 샘플 문제에 접근하세요.

    언어 유사성 샘플 문제

    뜨거운 → 따뜻한: 차가운 →

    A. 얼음 어린
    B. 시원한
    C. 얼음 같은
    D. 미지근한
    E. 불타는

    답변 및 단계별 설명:

    올바른 답은 A입니다.

    뜨거운은 높은 온도를 뜻하며, 따뜻한은 보통의 온도를 뜻합니다. 마찬가지로 차가운은 낮은 온도를 뜻합니다. 더구나, 얼음 어린은 극도로 낮은 온도를 뜻하는 용어로, 뜨거운이 극한 온도를 나타내는 것과 유사합니다.

    전체 연습

    도형 인식 샘플 문제

    답변 및 단계별 설명:

    올바른 답은 2입니다.

    제시된 도형은 사각형 위에 기울어진 직각 삼각형을 포함합니다.
    답변 1은 삼각형 모양이 없으므로 이 답은 부적절합니다.
    답변 3은 삼각형이 있지만 사각형과 연결되어 있지 않습니다.
    답변 4에는 직각 삼각형이 없습니다.
    답변 5에는 삼각형이 전혀 없습니다.

    숫자 시리즈 샘플 질문

    다음 숫자를 찾으세요: 9 18 36 72 ?

    A. 142
    B. 150
    C. 144
    D. 138
    E. 146

    답변 및 단계별 설명:

    올바른 답은 C입니다. 이 시리즈에서 패턴은 각 숫자가 이전 숫자를 두 배로 만드는 것입니다. 9부터 시작해서 18을 얻습니다. 그런 다음 18을 두 배로 하여 36을 얻고, 36을 두 배로 하여 72를 얻고, 이러한 방식으로 계속됩니다. 패턴을 계속하려면 시리즈의 마지막 숫자인 72를 두 배 해야 합니다. 72를 두 배하면 144가 됩니다. 따라서 C가 올바른 답입니다.

    추가적인 샘플 문제에 접근하세요.

    CAT4 TEST 대비 방법

    형식 이해

    시험 형식을 미리 알아보는 것이 중요합니다. 시험 날에 직면할 섹션 수, 시험 기간 및 질문 유형을 이해하는 데 시간을 투자하세요.

    샘플 문제로 연습

    온라인에서 샘플 테스트 문제로 연습하여 시험 형식과 질문 유형을 익힐 수 있습니다.

    다음은 여러분을 위한 최고의 CAT4 연습 방법입니다:

    1. 완벽한 준비
    2. CAT4 실전 시험.
    3. 무료 CAT4 TEST 대비.
    4. 무료 CAT4 PDF 연습.
    5. 무료 CAT4 샘플 문제.
    6. 비디오 강좌 수강.

    약점에 집중

    어려운 부분을 찾아 개선하는 것이 도움이 됩니다. 퍼즐을 풀거나 공간에서 물체를 시각화하는 연습을 하는 한 가지 방법입니다.

    충분한 휴식과 영양 섭취

    시험 당일에는 충분한 휴식을 취하고 건강한 식사를 하여 인지 능력과 성적을 향상하세요.

    CAT4 TEST 응시 전략 및 팁

    CAT4 TEST을 전문가처럼 무난히 볼 수 있도록 도와줄 10가지 황금 팁과 전략이 있습니다!

    1. 시험 형식을 이해하는 것이 중요합니다. 직면할 질문 유형, 질문 수 및 각 섹션에 주어진 시간을 숙지하세요.

    2. 연습은 완벽을 만든다는 말이 있죠. 가능한 한 많은 CAT4 실전 시험을 보세요. 이것은 시험 형식에 익숙해지고 시험 날 자신감을 키우는 데 도움이 됩니다.

    3. 시간 관리가 중요합니다. 시간을 잘 지켜 시험 중 모든 질문에 답할 수 있도록 하세요.

    4. 질문에 답하기 전에 지침을 주의 깊게 읽으세요. 오해로 인해 점수를 잃지 않도록 주의하세요.

    5. 최선을 선택하세요. 확실하지 않은 질문을 발견하면 긴장하지 마세요! 먼저 틀린 옵션을 제외하고 학문적으로 추측하세요.

    6. 시험 준비만큼 자신을 돌봐주세요. 충분한 잠을 자고 건강한 아침 식사를 하고 시간을 지켜 시험장에 도착하세요.

    7. 긴장하고 계신가요? 대부분의 사람들이 긴장을 느끼기 때문에 자신을 너무 엄하게 대하지 마세요. 깊게 숨을 들이마시고 여러분이 이것을 할 수 있다고 스스로에게 상기시키세요!

    8. 시험을 제출하기 전에 모든 답변을 다시 확인하고 어떤 질문도 놓치지 마세요.

    9. 더 나아지고 싶나요? 시험 구조를 이해하는 것은 필수입니다! 모든 시험 섹션을 설명하는 인포그래픽을 검토하세요.

    10. 시험 날에는 차분하고 집중력을 유지하며 충분한 휴식을 취하세요. 여러분은 이것을 할 수 있습니다!

    완벽한 연습

    CAT4 레벨에 대해 궁금하신가요? 서로 다른 위치에서 다른 이름으로 명명되어 혼란스러울 수 있습니다. 하지만 걱정하지 마세요! 여기에서 여러분을 완벽하게 안내해 드립니다.

    각 CAT4 레벨에 대한 완벽한 안내서를 확인하고 여러분이 시험을 치를 때 필요한 설명을 얻으세요.

    연령 범위

    6세 – 7세 레벨 X
    7세 – 8세 레벨 Y
    6세에서 8세까지 레벨 Pre-A
    7세 – 9세 레벨 A
    8세 – 10세 레벨 B
    9세 – 11세 레벨 C
    10세 – 12세 레벨 D
    11세 – 13세 레벨 E
    12세 – 15세 레벨 F
    14세 – 17세 이상” 레벨 G

    CAT4 TEST 점수 설명

    CAT4 보고서를 확인하셨나요?

    우리 모두 학생들이 성공할 수 있도록 최선을 다하는 것이 목표입니다. 이러한 보고서는 우리 자녀의 장점과 어려움을 파악하는 데 훌륭한 도구입니다. 믿어 주세요; 여러분은 이 귀중한 자원을 활용하길 원할 것입니다!

    우리 아이들이 추가적인 도움이 필요하거나 더 큰 도전을 받을 수 있는 분야를 놓치기 쉽습니다. 그러나 보고서를 자세히 살펴보면 이러한 분야를 식별하고 우리 아이들이 최대한의 잠재력을 발휘하도록 도울 수 있습니다.

    가장 좋은 점은 이러한 보고서가 이해하기 쉽다는 것입니다. 아직 확인하지 않은 경우 자녀의 선생님에게 결과 보고서를 요청하고 자녀의 장점과 약점을 함께 고민하세요.

    평균 점수는 항상 전반적으로 평균 능력을 의미하지 않는다는 것을 기억하세요.

    우리 아이들에게 성공할 수 있는 최고의 기회를 제공합시다!

    CAT4 결과 해석 방법

    이 시험의 가장 좋은 점은 자세한 보고서를 받는 것입니다! 함께 CAT4 결과를 해석하는 방법을 알아보겠습니다.

    부모님을 위한 개별 보고서에는 전체 시험 검토, 학생 프로필 및 요약이 포함됩니다.

    학생 프로필에는 막대 차트 보고서가 포함됩니다:



    노란색 부분이 평균입니다.

    Moses의 CAT4 점수 프로필에 따르면 그는 독서, 글쓰기 및 토론을 통한 학습을 약간 선호할 수 있지만 좋은 공간 능력 덕분에 여러 가지 다른 방법으로 매우 효과적으로 학습할 수 있을 것입니다.

    Moses는 어떤 과목에서는 매우 빠르게 앞서 나갈 수 있으므로 더 많은 연구를 할 수 있게 해주거나 주제 주변을 읽거나 자신의 관심사를 따를 수 있는 추가 작업이 필요할 수 있습니다. 일부 학생들은 이를 요청하기 어려울 수 있으므로 Moses에게 교사에게 접근하도록 장려하세요.

    높은 공간 능력을 가진 학생들은 종종 중요한 세부 정보를 넘어 빠르게 ‘큰 그림’을 파악합니다. Moses는 어떤 문제에 대한 해결책을 아주 빨리 알 수 있지만 어떻게 도달했는지를 보여줘야 합니다. 그의 매우 뛰어난 언어 능력은 이를 돕는 데 도움이 될 것입니다.

    Moses에게 다른 학생을 멘토링하도록 요청하면 그의 능력 때문에 그에게 적합하며 그는 많은 것을 제공할 수 있습니다.

    Moses에게 학교 밖에서 다양한 책을 읽도록 장려하세요. 다양한 종류의 책에서 읽는 것은 그의 지식과 기술을 더할 것입니다.

    그의 능력을 기반으로 한 학교 밖 활동을 생각해보세요. 예를 들어 토론, 연극 또는 과학 클럽과 같은 활동을 하면 이미 참여하지 않았다면 즐길 수 있을 것입니다.

    요약에는 학생에 관한 모든 통찰이 포함됩니다.

    국가 백분위 순위 (NPR)

    국가 백분위 순위 (NPR)는 학생의 표준화된 시험 점수가 전국의 동급 학생들과 비교되는 방식을 보여줍니다.

    예를 들어, 학생의 NPR 점수가 80%인 경우, 그 학생은 동급 학생들 중 80%보다 더 잘하고 20%보다 못한 것입니다.

    표준 연령 점수 (SAS)

    SAS 점수는 100을 평균으로 하고 표준 편차가 2인 기준으로 학생의 성적을 비교합니다.

    이것은 시험에 대한 통과 또는 미통과 기준은 아니지만 학생의 교육 경로를 이해하는 데 중요합니다.

    CAT4 레벨 X 및 Y와 CAT4의 다른 레벨 간의 표준 연령 점수 (SAS)를 비교할 때, 레벨 A에서 G까지의 점수 범위는 59에서 141이며, 레벨 X 및 Y의 점수 범위는 69에서 131까지입니다.

    스타나인 (ST)

    1부터 9까지의 범위를 가지며, 9가 가장 높은 점수입니다.

    스타나인을 사용하면 학생들의 성적에 대한 유용한 통찰을”


    CAT4 TEST은 학생들의 언어, 도형 및 숫자 사고 능력을 테스트하는 데 중요합니다.

    시험을 잘 보려면 학생들은 샘플 문제로 연습하고 더 약한 부분을 개선해야 합니다. 이는 그들이 더 자신감을 가지고 시험에서 더 잘 할 수 있도록 도울 수 있습니다.

    개인적인 관점에서 부모로서 여러분은 자녀에게 최선을 다하도록 장려해야 하지만, 어떤 아이들은 여러분이나 학교로부터 추가 지원이 필요할 수 있음을 기억하세요.

    따라서 그들이 준비하도록 도와주고 CAT4 연습 시험 점수를 정기적으로 점검하십시오. 그들이 ‘혼란스럽거나 좌절감을 느끼는’ 것으로 발견되면 그들이 그런 감정을 느끼게 하는 원인에 대해 이야기하십시오.

    제 경험상, 불안감과 다른 학습 장애를 가진 학생들은 부끄러워하고 대부분 비밀로 유지할 것입니다.

    이 기사에서 여러분이 기억해야 할 가장 중요한 점은 부모로서 여러분의 역할은 그들이 자신의 문제에 대해 이야기하도록 돕는 것입니다.”

  • CAT4 Level A – Comprehensive Guide

    CAT4 Level A – Comprehensive Guide

    Table of Contents


    CAT4 Level A Study Guide

    The CAT4 Level A Study Guide is aimed to assist puppils aged 8 to 9.

    Schools use the CAT4 Test insights not only for streaming students but also to set robust foundations as youngsters move from primary stages upwards.

    With clarity and purpose, this resource illuminates paths towards optimising learning strategies tailored individually, ensuring every child’s potential gets the attention it deserves.

    CAT4 Level A Practice Test

    Let’s dive into each CAT4 Level A category with sample questions and step-by-step explanations.

    Take your time to review each answer and the explanations provided.

    Free CAT4 Level A Sample Questions

    Verbal Reasoning Sample Questions

    CAT4 Level A Quantitative Reasoning Sample Questions

    Non-verbal Reasoning Sample Questions

    CAT4 Level A Structure and Time Frame


    Understanding CAT4 Level A Format

    CAT4 Level A format is distinct from other tests like SATs and GCSEs because it evaluates a child’s inborn talent. Rather than testing curriculum knowledge, this test digs deep to find the true potential within each student. Educators use CAT4 results for various tasks: sorting kids by their academic strength; forecasting how they might perform on major exams such as GCSEs; and seeing who could do with more challenges or support at school.

    The outcomes can uncover capabilities that aren’t always seen during regular lessons. The setup of CAT4 includes four parts called ‘batteries’: verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, and spatial awareness are all checked here through multiple-choice questions. For example, in the first section which focuses on non-verbal skills—a key part of many Year 7 entrance tests—students must group shapes based on common traits without using any extra tools like pencils.

    Part two moves onto words rather than figures where young ones tackle analogies plus classification exercises designed just right for them. They’ll match meanings across different word groups but once again without help from additional resources. This assessment isn’t merely another IQ quiz—it’s a refined tool built upon data from roughly 25 thousand UK children aimed to reveal hidden abilities beyond simple learning recall.

    Essential Tips for Test Preparation

    To prepare for the CAT4, children must grasp how it tests their thinking. With three 45-minute papers covering verbal, non-verbal, quantitative and spatial reasoning, groundwork is key. Each main section holds puzzles gauging foundational abilities.

    For verbal readiness – expressing ideas with words matters most. Regular reading boosts this skill sharply. Non-verbal parts call for understanding diagrams; here practice shapes insight into pictures used as language.

    Quantitative sections need a sharp number sense: sequence recognition and numerical relationships are vital to master these queries quickly during test time. Spatial questions look at problems in three dimensions; hands-on activities like building models can hone such skills outside dry book work. The exam has firm roots – standardized on thousands of students and frequently checked against considerable data pools ensures fairness across boards.

    Expert guidance suggests focusing on your child’s struggles through sub-tests. Wise preparation includes using resources like TestHQ to tackle sample questions before D-day, ensuring familiarity with the formats under timed conditions. Seek out more than just example test material at TestHQ which offers full solutions aiding not only answers but also comprehensive understanding of arriving there correctly– critical for avoiding lost points come testing day.

    Scores reflect progress beyond mere figures. A raw count is translated into national percentiles, showing relative standing amongst peers. In essence parents helping kids tackle the CAT4 should mix study between books apps physical games all designed sharpen brains turn them ready problem solvers no matter what shape question takes next! 

    Developing Strong Verbal Reasoning Skills

    In developing verbal reasoning skills for CAT4 Level A, focus on understanding and practicing different question formats. Students may face multiple-choice queries where they select the right answer from several options – a common approach in testing comprehension or critical thinking. True/false questions require one to decide if statements about a given passage are correct based solely on provided text.

    Fill-in-the-blanks challenges students to pick appropriate words that best fit within sentences or paragraphs following context clues. Matching tasks involve pairing concepts from texts with corresponding choices accurately. Such diversity in questioning styles demands familiarity and strategic preparation.

    Verbal analogies test ability by asking students to identify relationships between word pairs then find missing terms maintaining those links; it’s vital here to grasp how initial pairings connect when choosing answers aligning similarly. For example, linking ‘Cat’ with ‘Meow’ leads us directly toward matching ‘Dog’ with its vocalization: ‘Bark’. Understanding underlying connections is key – such as associating sun-related items under ‘Solar’, thus moon-connected ones follow suit labelled as ‘Lunar’.

    Understanding common verbal reasoning exams builds confidence. These tests, such as SHL’s Verbal Reasoning Test and others, assess communication skills important for academic and vocational success. 

    Strategies for Quantitative Reasoning Success

    To do well in quantitative reasoning, kids should build a strong base in maths. They need to practice with numbers daily. It helps them see links between problems and solutions quickly.

    Working on mental maths boosts speed when solving questions without calculators. Another key strategy is spotting patterns fast; it’s vital for the CAT4 Level A test where understanding number sequences can mean easy points won or lost! Grasping data from charts and graphs also proves useful for this part of the exam because visuals often show up with numerical info that students must interpret correctly.

    Regular timed drills sharpen their skills under pressure — just like during an actual test situation. Thisn’t only improves pace but reduces stress as they become familiar with working against the clock! Lastly, reviewing errors carefully offers deep learning opportunities by pinpointing exactly what went wrong so one doesn’t repeat mistakes again—very important since each question matters greatly on such exams.

    Navigating the CAT4 Level A exam requires a solid grasp of its contents. The study guide from CAT4 Prep offers tailored advice for young learners as they start their academic journey. With exercises that hone verbal, non-verbal, quantitative and spatial abilities, this guide sets a firm foundation.

    Pupils gain confidence through practice while parents receive valuable insights into their child’s learning style. Trust in thorough preparation to unlock potential and pave the way for educational success with support from CAT4 Prep – where early steps lead to big leaps forward.


    Following this guide will help you get ready to do well on the CAT4 Level A Test. It gives you strategies, sample questions to practice with, and good test-taking tips.

    To do well in the exam, you must know the subject, think carefully, use good strategies, and practice a lot. Remember that success comes from doing all of these things.

    Good luck!

    Recommended Guides


    The CAT4 Level A test is a cognitive abilities test by GL-Assessments for pupils in year 4 in UK schools and for pupils aged 7-9 in international schools.

    The CAT4 Test Year 4 is a cognitive abilities test by GL-Assessments for pupils aged 7-9.

    A high score on the CAT4 assessment can indicate a child’s giftedness and talent.

    The test is not very hard, but some students may struggle without proper preparation.

    CAT4 Level A is a fantastic tool for pinpointing students’ cognitive abilities in various domains.

    With this knowledge, educators can identify gifted students and offer them the enrichment opportunities they need to thrive.

    CAT4 Level A assessments can help students with learning disabilities.

    These assessments adapt to each student’s abilities, which makes the evaluation highly accurate. Educators and parents find this helpful information.

    The Year 4 CAT test can support the learning and growth of students with learning disabilities.

  • CAT4 Levels Guide

    CAT4 Levels Guide

    What are CAT4 Levels

    Each CAT4 Level test is tailored to students’ cognitive abilities within a specific age range.

    Each level of CAT4 focuses on different developmental stages, ensuring that the assessment aligns with the student’s cognitive abilities and learning needs.

    • CAT4 levels are different test forms.
    • A level marks the test grade. For example, Level A is for year 4.
    • The CAT4 Test has 10 different levels stretching from levels X-G.

    We will review all CAT4 Levels with dedicated practice tests & tips.

    All CAT4 Levels with Practice Tests

    CAT4 Level X Year 2

    CAT4 Level X or CAT4 Year 2 is designed for students aged 6 to 7.

    Internationally, the CAT4 Level X is taken in the 1st grade.

    This is a pen-and-paper exam.

    This level focuses on assessing the cognitive abilities relevant to their developmental stage.

    Assessing cognitive skills at young ages can be tricky, as children develop them differently.

    In most cases, the CAT4 Level X test is used by teachers to understand the student level and not for cognitive assessment.

    GL assessment did a great job presenting a simple, kid-friendly format that should be accessible to everyone in the age group.

    The components include:

    • Words
    • Shapes
    • Numbers
    • Figures

    CAT4 Level X Structure and Time Frame

    The test covers 2 parts:

    1. Figures – 12 min
      Word – 10 min

    2. Numbers – 10 min
      Shapes – 11 min
    Total time – 43 min

    CAT4 Level Y Year 3

    CAT4 Level Y or CAT4 Year 3 is designed for students aged 7 to 8.

    Internationally, the CAT4 Level Y is taken in the 2nd grade.

    This is a pen-and-paper exam.

    This level focuses on assessing the cognitive abilities relevant to their developmental stage.

    Assessing cognitive skills at young ages can be tricky, as children develop them differently.

    In most cases, the CAT4 Level Y test is used by teachers to understand the student level and not for cognitive assessment.

    GL assessment did a great job presenting a simple, kids-friendly format that should be accessible to everyone in the age group.

    The components include:

    • Words
    • Shapes
    • Numbers
    • Figures

    CAT4 Level Y Structure and Time Frame

    The test covers 2 parts:

    1. Figures – 12 min
      Word – 10 min

    2. Numbers – 10 min
      Shapes – 11 min
    Total time – 43 min

    CAT4 Level A Year 4

    CAT4 Level A or CAT4 Year 4 is designed for students aged 7 to 9.

    Internationally, the CAT4 Level A is taken in the 3rd grade.

    This level focuses on assessing the cognitive abilities relevant to their developmental stage.

    This is an online assessment.

    The test is timed.

    The CAT4 Level A test consists of 8 tests.

    The components include:

    • Verbal Reasoning
    • Non-Verbal Reasoning
    • Quantitative Reasoning
    • Spatial Reasoning

    CAT4 Level A Structure and Time Frame

    CAT4 ComponentDurationNo. of Questions
    Figure Classification10 minutes24 questions
    Figure Matrices10 minutes24 questions
    Verbal Classification8 minutes24 questions
    Verbal Analogies8 minutes24 questions
    Number Analogies10 minutes18 questions
    Number Series8 minutes18 questions
    Figure Analysis9 minutes18 questions
    Figure Recognition9 minutes18 questions

    CAT4 Level A Year 4 Practice Test

    Free CAT4 Level A Practice Test & Guide

    CAT4 Level B Year 5

    CAT4 Level B or CAT4 Year 5 is designed for students aged 8 to 10.

    Internationally, the CAT4 Level B is taken in the 4th grade.

    This level focuses on assessing the cognitive abilities relevant to their developmental stage.

    This is an online assessment.

    The test is timed.

    The CAT4 Level B test consists of 8 tests.

    The components include:

    • Verbal Reasoning
    • Non-Verbal Reasoning
    • Quantitative Reasoning
    • Spatial Reasoning

    CAT4 Level B Structure and Time Frame


    CAT4 ComponentDurationNo. of Questions
    Figure Classification10 minutes24 questions
    Figure Matrices10 minutes24 questions
    Verbal Classification8 minutes24 questions
    Verbal Analogies8 minutes24 questions
    Number Analogies10 minutes18 questions
    Number Series8 minutes18 questions
    Figure Analysis9 minutes18 questions
    Figure Recognition9 minutes18 questions

    Best CAT4 Level B Year 5 Practice Test

    Free CAT4 Level B Practice Test PDF

    CAT4 Level C Year 6

    CAT4 Level C or CAT4 Year 6 is designed for students aged 9 to 11.

    Internationally, the CAT4 Level C is taken in the 5th grade.

    This level focuses on assessing the cognitive abilities relevant to their developmental stage.

    This is an online assessment.

    The test is timed.

    The CAT4 Level C test consists of 8 tests.

    The components include:

    • Verbal Reasoning
    • Non-Verbal Reasoning
    • Quantitative Reasoning
    • Spatial Reasoning

    CAT4 Level C Structure and Time Frame

    CAT4 ComponentDurationNo. of Questions
    Figure Classification10 minutes24 questions
    Figure Matrices10 minutes24 questions
    Verbal Classification8 minutes24 questions
    Verbal Analogies8 minutes24 questions
    Number Analogies10 minutes18 questions
    Number Series8 minutes18 questions
    Figure Analysis9 minutes18 questions
    Figure Recognition9 minutes18 questions

    CAT4 Level D Year 7

    CAT4 Level D or CAT4 Year 7 is designed for students aged 10 to 12.

    Internationally, the CAT4 Level D is taken in the 6th grade.

    This level focuses on assessing the cognitive abilities relevant to their developmental stage.

    This is an online assessment.

    The test is timed.

    The CAT4 Level D test consists of 8 tests.

    The components include:

    • Verbal Reasoning
    • Non-Verbal Reasoning
    • Quantitative Reasoning
    • Spatial Reasoning

    CAT4 Level D Structure and Time Frame

    CAT4 ComponentDurationNo. of Questions
    Figure Classification10 minutes24 questions
    Figure Matrices10 minutes24 questions
    Verbal Classification8 minutes24 questions
    Verbal Analogies8 minutes24 questions
    Number Analogies10 minutes18 questions
    Number Series8 minutes18 questions
    Figure Analysis9 minutes18 questions
    Figure Recognition9 minutes18 questions

    CAT4 Level E Year 8

    CAT4 Level E or CAT4 Year 8 is designed for students aged 11 to 13.

    Internationally, the CAT4 Level E is taken in the 7th grade.

    This level focuses on assessing the cognitive abilities relevant to their developmental stage.

    This is an online assessment.

    The test is timed.

    The CAT4 Level E test consists of 8 tests.

    The components include:

    • Verbal Reasoning
    • Non-Verbal Reasoning
    • Quantitative Reasoning
    • Spatial Reasoning

    CAT4 Level E Structure and Time Frame

    CAT4 ComponentDurationNo. of Questions
    Figure Classification10 minutes24 questions
    Figure Matrices10 minutes24 questions
    Verbal Classification8 minutes24 questions
    Verbal Analogies8 minutes24 questions
    Number Analogies10 minutes18 questions
    Number Series8 minutes18 questions
    Figure Analysis9 minutes18 questions
    Figure Recognition9 minutes18 questions

    CAT4 Level F Year 9 Year 10

    CAT4 Level F or CAT4 Year 9 is designed for students aged 12 to 15.

    Internationally, the CAT4 Level F is taken in the 8th and 9th grades.

    This level focuses on assessing the cognitive abilities relevant to their developmental stage.

    This is an online assessment.

    The test is timed.

    The CAT4 Level F test consists of 8 tests.

    The components include:

    • Verbal Reasoning
    • Non-Verbal Reasoning
    • Quantitative Reasoning
    • Spatial Reasoning

    CAT4 Level F Structure and Time Frame

    CAT4 ComponentDurationNo. of Questions
    Figure Classification10 minutes24 questions
    Figure Matrices10 minutes24 questions
    Verbal Classification8 minutes24 questions
    Verbal Analogies8 minutes24 questions
    Number Analogies10 minutes18 questions
    Number Series8 minutes18 questions
    Figure Analysis9 minutes18 questions
    Figure Recognition9 minutes18 questions

    CAT4 Level F Year 9 Year 10 Practice Test

    Free CAT4 Level F PDF Practice Test

    CAT4 Level F Guide

    CAT4 Level G Year 11+

    CAT4 Level G or CAT4 Year 11+ is designed for students aged 14 to 17.

    Internationally, the CAT4 Level G is taken in the 10th to 11th grades.

    This level focuses on assessing the cognitive abilities relevant to their developmental stage.

    This is an online assessment.

    The test is timed.

    The CAT4 Level G test consists of 8 tests.

    The components include:

    • Verbal Reasoning
    • Non-Verbal Reasoning
    • Quantitative Reasoning
    • Spatial Reasoning

    CAT4 Level G Structure and Time Frame

    CAT4 ComponentDurationNo. of Questions
    Figure Classification10 minutes24 questions
    Figure Matrices10 minutes24 questions
    Verbal Classification8 minutes24 questions
    Verbal Analogies8 minutes24 questions
    Number Analogies10 minutes18 questions
    Number Series8 minutes18 questions
    Figure Analysis9 minutes18 questions
    Figure Recognition9 minutes18 questions

    CAT4 Level G Year 11+ Practice Test

    Free CAT4 Practice Test & Guide

    Free CAT4 Level G PDF

    CAT4 Levels In the UAE

    You can also read our CAT4 exam in the UAE guide.

    CAT4 LevelGradeYear
    F8 / 99 / 10
    G10 / 1111 / 12
  • Free CAT4 Practice Test

    Free CAT4 Practice Test

    Table of Contents

    Choose Your Free CAT4 Practice Test

    Choose the practice based on your child’s level.

    The Free Sample Questions
     are part of an all-inclusive guide with relevant sample questions for each level.

    The Course
    is a full online preparation we recommend taking.

    The Free PDF
    is a downloadable and printable sample question pack with step-by-step solutions.

    Free CAT4 Practice Test